Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Saber wars

By Aswin
Date: 01-22-2009




Star Wars : Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy
Title : Saber Wars
Author : Aswin(myself)
Homeage : none
eMail :

File: Saber wars.pk3
size: 59.0KB

File Description:
The file contains all modified npc(s) data[ ext_data/npcs]. It just gives all of your enemies a Saber to handle.The screenshots give you the best decription. I suggest you to enter the cheat 'god' in the console, in order to survive.You'll have to use your light saber 24X7 cuz the bullets from your guns would be deflected by your enemies.The imperials would be clever in using their saber, they do not throw the light saber at you and would levitate if you try to hit them, but their health is very low causing them to die early.

Known problems:
In the level t2_dpred [it is the level in which you'll lose your saber to rax] you will have to use the cheat "give all" in order to get your saber back. Or else it is alomost impossible to complete the level.
And some of the npcs are not given the saber, you can try giving them a saber if you want.
I didn't know how to give the saber for rax(fixme).

Installation instructions:
Just drop the 'saber wars.pk3' into the base folder [Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars Jedi Knight Jedi AcademyGameDataBase]. No need to activate it by any means.

Changes can be made to this mod to make it look better and please try to inform me. My email ID is at the beginning of the file.