Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Jaden NPC

New version available! Find it here.

By Achrones
Date: 05-29-2008




Jaden NPC

New Sounds: No
New Textures: No
New Models: No
NPC Support: Yes

This is my version of Jaden would be if he had an NPC.

Yeah, yeah, I know, you can already spawn "Jaden" by typing "npc spawn player" in the console, but THAT NPC has low health,
low stats, no force powers, and overall, he's a wuss. THIS version of the NPC has excellent stats that match up to Tavion's
and Kyle's and high health. I put him on your team, of course, since Jaden's a Jedi and all. If you wish to fight him though,
type "playerteam enemy" or "playerteam free" to duel Jaden himself.

Extract the npc. file to your gamedata/base/ext_data/npcs folder.

Credits To:

You have my unrestricted permission to use this, assuming I take credit for it. Don't be selfish! :P