Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Movie Realism SP Mod

By Scott Smiley
Date: 09-20-2006



Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
TITLE: Moive Realism SP Mod
AUTHOR: Scott Smiley

FILENAME: Movie Realism SP Mod.RAR
FILESIZE: 302 kb
DATE RELEASED: September, 19, 2006

CREDITS: "Dark_Maul" (Darth Caliph in the forums) for "Bloody Dismemberment", "SuperQ" for "SaberSelection" ,and "David J Murphy for
"JACusomiser 0.8"

>> Well here it is, Smiley's Realism Mod for Jedi Knight Jedi Academy! As you may have guessed this is an attempt to
make the game more like the movies and other games. To that end all NPCS health has been lowered to try and recreate what
damage the weapons would do in real life. Most times a single lightsaber hit is enough to kill a foe, and enemies like Stormtroopers
are smarter and aim much better!! Finally. Now the only problem with this is that i could not find a way to change the players health so
the only way to make it as realistic as possible is to play on Jedi Master. One or two good saber hits is all it takes to put you down so
look out! I have inclued in this mod "Bloody Dismemberment!" by Dark_Maul (Darth Caliph in the forums) and "SaberSelection" by
SuperQ to make the mod better so i hope you guys don't mind if your reading this. So, that being said, have fun playing SP
again with a whole new game. The saber damage was modded with JACustomiser 0.8 by David J Murphy so thanks to him for a great
tool for modding! Also, i have made it so that the bodies will not fade with time so keep that in mind if you have a very slow PC, works just fine
on my P4 2.66 though.

> Install: Unzip the files to your Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/ GameData/ base folder. YOu will need to unzip your assets1.pk3 file into
your base folder if you have not already done so. That way the ext_data folder from the my mod can interact with you game. Remember to put
the assets1.pk3 file in a backup folder so that you can go back to the normal game if you wish. Overwrite the normal ext_data folder
with the modded one when unzipping the mod to the base folder. I use WINRAR incase anyone is wondering.

> Feel free to mod the files in the ext_data folder, and reuse them if you want. Just put my name on the readme, and keep in mind that
the other files where modded by others to put them in too.

> Scott Smiley <
> <

E-mail me for questions, comments, or ideas. Also, if anyone figured out how to mod the single player health for the player
could they e-mail me, i'd like to work that into this mod. Lock and Load.