Playing Jedi Academy in 2025


By Shadriss
Date: 05-06-2006




Star Wars : Deception
Episode 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Author : Shadriss

Tools Used : GTK Radient 1.4
Photoshop CS2

Time to Develop/Release : Too long for me to admit to it. (OK, Three years...)

Installation : Unpack the Deception folder and the BAT file to your Gamedata folder. Use the BAT file to load the mod. DO NOT load the mod from the in-game menu, as this will not allow the custom mission briefings, cutscenes, or mission objectives to properly display. I'd even go so far as to suggest putting a shortcut to the BAT file on your desktop - it's been gracing mine for a LONG time now...

Credits : Too numerous to mention. All the major ones are listed in the credits at the end of the mod.

Though mentioned (briefly) at the end of the mod...

This modification for Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy is neither supported by nor endorsed by LucasArts, RavenSoft, of any other company associated with the base game. THe storyline and all other original elements are the property of Shadriss, and may not be modified or altered without specific written permisson. All other works are the properties of thier creators (and are noted in the credits). All trademarks are the property of their companies. The cheese stands alone.

Enjoy, guys - this one took a LOT longer than I'd ever thought.

And keep an eye out for Episode 2, Star Wars : Inquisition, sometime during your lifetime. Hoepfully in less time than it took to do this one. We can only hope. Now play the frikkin mod already. You can't tell me you actually read this far. Wow. You have no life. :)
