Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Nova Unit

By Larry McBruce
Date: 01-21-2006




#Nina: Nova Unit#

(c) 2006 Larry McBruce



First of all, I really want to say a big thank to those who have contributed to this little mod. Your help and your support have been much appreciated. So again thank you.

This new level has been mostly inspired by the �Ghost in the Shell� franchise, and especially the �Stand alone complex� series; so, don�t be surprised if you find some similarities between this mod and the G.i.t.s universe. There's also a couple of references to other video games (bloodlines and such...)

Installation instructions:

The installation is really simple. Extract "" into your GameData folder (By default C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\Gamedata). It will create a subfolder called "Nova_Unit", as well as a very useful batch file (Nova_unit.Bat). Just click on it, and it will launch the game. See? Nothing really difficult here.

Please note that this level only supports English. Make sure your game is set on English language in order to avoid all kinds of undesirable effects during the game.

Gameplay notes:

There're some interactive elements in this new level, that can be activated by force powers (push or pull). Try to use them at your advantage during a fight.

When you reach the lower level, you must locate and destroy three panels, in order to disable the forcefield protecting the access to the auxiliary console.


Nova Unit:

A special assault force reporting only to the Chancellor. This highly trained team has been assembled to assist temporarily the outnumbered Jedi knights. Nova is officially acting as a law-enforcement unit, with a mission to identify and eliminate all kinds of criminal activities... One way or another.


Horatio Halca:

Horatio is the man behind Nova creation, and its actual director. He was a senator in the final days of the Old Republic, and befriended senator Mon Mothma during these dark times. Horatio naturally joined the Alliance shortly after the formation of the Glactic Empire.

Horatio is generally described as a "cool-head", able to keep his calm and master his mind in the most critical situations. His extensive knowledge of political affairs, and his strong sense of justice, make of him an indispensable asset for the team.

Lt. Nina Delenda:

A former bounty hunter, and the younger sister of the fallen Sith lord Tavion. As her late sibling, Nina shares a strong connection with the Force, but she has always been afraid to use it at its full potential. Tavion's death has been very traumatic for her, but she never talks about it.

Hired by Horatio Halca when she was twenty, Nina is now second in command of Nova Unit. Nina has gained maturity, experience and patience since her last adventure. She still have a strong temper and can be very irreverent at times, but it is often to hide her own feelings and her doubts. The young woman holds a deep respect for her superior, and her teammates.


He's Nina's partner, and a former member of the Imperial special forces. Ship has been recruited on Nar Shaddaa just a few months after Nina, when he was working as a smuggler for one of Coruscant kingpin.

He is an experienced tactician, as well as an expert in a wide variety of weapons. Ship never talks about his time in the army, and it is obvious that it is a difficult subject for him. Like most of Nova members, Ship is a man with a past. Nevertheless, his teammates considered him as a good fellow and a funny guy.

Dalrem Aldeo:

Dalrem Aldeo was one of the very first student to join the newly formed Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. He was already an aged man when the Jedi master Luke Skywalker started his training.

During his formation, he progressed very quickly, but showed a growing mistrust towards the New Republic, and especially the Galactic Senate. For Aldeo, the Senate was indeed a place plagued with corruption and misused power. He fled from the Academy when his homeworld, the planet Torukia Prime, joined the Republic.


Voice actors:

Lt Nina Delenda:................................................Inyri Forge
Chancellor Alamasy:..........................................Simon Williams
Dalrem Aldeo:.......................................Ewok Mercenary for Hire
Horatio Halca:.....................................................Shadriss
Kyle Katarn:........................................Ewok Mercenary for Hire
Luke Skywalker:................................................Gugeyewalker
Ship:.........................................................Larry McBruce

Mapping and scripting:

Larry McBruce

Custom textures and menus:

Larry McBruce

Original story:

Larry Mcbruce

Beta testing:

Simon "kengo" Williams

Additional testing:

Inyri Forge, Ewok Mercenary for Hire, Gugeyewalker

Text crawl:

Larry McBruce, Shadriss, Ewok Mercenary for Hire.


Simon Williams
Ewok Mercenary for Hire
Inyri Forge

Many thanks for your help, and your patience :)

Very special thanks:

MAP-REVIEW.COM community
