Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Mara Jade SP

By Trauma Sensei
Date: 10-22-2004




Author: Trauma Sensei

About: Mara Jade single player
Single Player Mod

This mod will allow you to play as Mara Jade, use her lightsaber and select any saber style from the
beggining, that´s right you won´t need to play the whole game to get the fast and strong style, also you
will be able to choose dual sabers and staff.

I made this simply because Mara Jade kicks ass, she is the coolest female jedi!

Special Thanks
****This model was submitted to by Lilandra****

Raven, Lucasarts, the people at (You´re doing a great job, congrats^_^)
I hope you have fun!!!^_^

put the pk3 into your GameData/base folder

Please forgive me, I know I have a lousy grammar, keep in mind english is not my first language.=P

If anyone can email me a tutorial about shaders and using 3dsmax It will be greatly appreciated