Force Lev

Date: 06-09-2004




Author: Marchus Williams (a.k.a. RED SITH)

*Official Mod Name: "ForceLev" (Force Levitation)
*Mod Type: Jedi Academy, Single Player


This Jedi Academy Single Player modification, gives you a working
jetpack for the bountyhunter characters "Jango Fett" and "Boba Fett."


You'll have to Download Jango and Boba Fett to use this mod.

You can get Boba Fett @:

You can get Jango Fett @:

Installation Instructions:---------------------------------------------

A. Place " jetpack_mod.pk3" into your base folder.
B. Start an SP game and enjoy!

Key Binds:-------------------------------------------------------------

Note: I designed this mod so that, when you play as a key binded
character, you keep the force powers you develop during gameplay,
and don't experience any errors when selecting your force in the
force power configuration menu.

*In an SP game, whith both .pk3s placed in your base folder, press any
of the following key binds, to "toggle" between Jango Fett, or Boba

*Press U to play as Jango Fett
*Press I to play as Boba Fett

Instructions Levitation:-----------------------------------------------

*Press space bar 2 times to levitate

*Hold space bar to fly upwards

*Hold space bar and a direction to fly much faster

*Use force speed while Levitating to fly really fast

*Land on something to stop levitation

Other Important Information:------------------------------------------

*Force Lightning might be replaced with bobafett's "flame thrower"

Note: You can use the "flame thrower" continuously

*Force Levitation doesn't need force powers to work.

*If you run out of force power while levitating, you can "recover"
force power by 2 ways:

A. Keep swinging your lightsaber to "revive" force power
B. Grip someone that uses absorb (you'll take their force powers)

*All "crouch + attack" moves can be done while levitating.

*Thrown sabers bounce off you (you don't take any damage).