Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

JK3 Expanded (1.0)

By Bugged
Date: 01-02-2010
Version: 1.0




Author: Known as "Foreborn"
File Name: Jk3 Expanded
Version: 1
Made: Unknown Date-Nov 9th, 2009
Bugs: No actual bugs, but the playermodels look crappy. if you simply can't live with gray, black and white kyle/luke/jedi playermodels, use cheats.

1) INSTALLATION: Go to Lucasarts, Jedi Academy, then Gamedata, then base, then saves. Go into this zip into the folder called "saves" copy all saves

2) DESCRIPTION: This is a small mod which follows the missions LucasArts should have made in JK3.It is a set of missions in save files (no cutscenes, objectives, etc, sorry, readme has objectives to let you know when you've finished the mission, look under "STORY/INFO") with a story behind each one written by myself, in this readme file under "STORY/INFO".

3) WILL THERE BE MORE?: Probably; once I figure out some of the big modding stuff such as cutscenes, skins, etc. V2 will probably have more missions and Kyle, Jedi, Luke, cultist skins, maybe more. I'll probably start from scratch with V2, so you won't have to cry yourselves to sleep because it's not in a pk3 and its not perfect.

4) COPYRIGHT: This is my mod, you're welcome to use it, nothing else, no modifying it and posting it as your own work, claiming its yours, etc. You know the rules.


(Mission 1)
Name: JK3 Expanded 1
Save: jedi_101.sav
Jaden Korr was delivering a cargo shipment for his company on his homeworld of Coruscant, when he was informed to wait on the planet he was on so he could pick up another shipment. Killing time, Jaden started fooling around with mechanical devices and crystals, a bonus he was allowed to keep from a cancelled shipment, and he realized he had created something similar to a lightsaber. With a little more work, it became a green bladed lightaber, fully functional. A gang of thugs saw him expierament with the rare, pricy weapon and the cargo on board the ship and decided they wanted it for themselves. Jaden and his fellow employees have to fight to defend their cargo shipment.

[Kill all enemies]

(Mission 2)
Name: JK3 Expanded 2
Save: jedi_102.sav
>Takes place after Luke suggests Kyle stays and investigates, after the first level in Jedi Academy&apos;s cutscene<

Kyle Katarn walks non-chalantly into the Massassi Temple to investigate. He finds a group of mercenaries are using it for a hideout. They aren&apos;t too happy to see a Jedi in their base...

[Kill all enemies]

(Mission 3)
Name: JK3 Expanded 3
Save: jedi_103.sav

The Disiples of Ragnos and the Remnant have arrived on the ice planet Hoth, hoping to find some information on planets with strong force aura, such as Dagobah. However, a band of mercenaries have moved here recently and are having a war with the former owners of Echo Base; Wampas. "None shall survive."

[Kill all enemies and the Mandalorian Merc leader]

(Mission 4)
Name: Jk3 Expanded 4
Save: jedi_104.sav
>Takes place after Luke has summoned all available jedi and given them missions to investigate the cult.<

A jedi team has been assigned by Grand Master Luke to investigate this strange Cult. The Jedi head for Coruscant, following a lead, but are quickly set upon by the disiples and hired mercenaries...

[Defeat all enemies]

(Mission 5)
Name: JK3 Expanded 5
Save: jedi_105.sav
>Takes place right after Kyle goes to investigate Rosh&apos;s disappearance<

Kyle tracks Rosh&apos;s ship to a long abandoned mercenary base, only to find the Cult has inhabited it. A Reborn Master has located the Jedi Master and told him he knows why he&apos;s here, to find Rosh. Kyle must make his way through Cultist forces t find the Reborn master and find out what he knows about Rosh.

[Kill the Reborn Master]

(Mission 6)
Name: JK3 Expanded 6
Save: jedi_106.sav
>Takes place after Luke and the other Jedi have decided to take down the cult on Korriban<
A Jedi was on his way to Korriban when he spotted two defensless merchant ships being fired upon by a Remnant vessel. Let who knows how many innocent people be killed for who knows what reason by going to Korriban, or sneaking on board the ship and destroying it, and going to Korriban later, saving the other ships? The Jedi chooses the later.

[Kill all enemies]

(Mission 7)
Name: JK3 Expanded 7
Save: jedi_107.sav
>Takes place after JK3 Expanded 8<
The Jedi has killed off nearly all of the remnant/cultist crew of the ship, the merchant ships have escaped. The Jedi finds there are still crew members on board the ship, so he decides to activate the self-destruct sequence. However he must make his way up to the controls, before he can do that.

[Reach the top of the Sentiniel and defeat the Shadowtroopers]

(Mission 8)
Name: JK3 Expanded 8
Save: jedi_108.sav
>Takes place after Jedi have engaged The Cult on Korriban<
Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, Kyle Katarn and a few other Jedi Masters land their ship to assist in the battle against the Cult, which the jedi are winning. Luke heads for the Throne of Ragnos where Jaden and Tavion are dueling. (Jaden will probably have killed Tavion when you get there.)

[Kill all enemies]