Chewy's Heads Up Display

By Chewy
Date: 08-17-2004




/////////////////////// Chewy²'s Heads Up Display ///////////////////////

Well hello all. I am Chewy²/Uber Noober². IF you have ever played on the jk3files server up untill a month or so ago you probably have faught me. Well this is another and will probably be my final submition for jk3 since i sorta got bored. This is a red and black HUD. It looks really evil and if you like that sorta stuff its for you. This also goes really well with my fire saber and my skin pack. For all who have been waiting, your wait will soon be over, as i have givin my skin pack over to my good friend GoreTex to finish, cause i got lazy at like 95% and stopped working on it. I hope to see most of you in jk4 if they ever make it or another multiplayer game. So this is my farewell, but i may pop in the server every once in the while. So have fun with the game.