Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Commando Academy (1)

By Dominus_Scotus
Date: 07-09-2013
Version: 1




Commando Academy
by Dominus_Scotus
created on
4th July 2012


Commando Academy

Table of Contents:

Description -- my description of the mod i created.

Mods Compiled -- the mods which i completely absorbed into mine.

Mods Borrowed From -- the mods which i did not completely absorb, but rather borrowed certain aspects from, for my mod.

Change List -- a list of the changes i made on top of the compilation i did. basically, my work as opposed to all the other authors' work.

Installation -- instructions on how to install this mod into your game.

Conditions -- my requirements and conditions, which you must follow if you want to use my mod.

Legal Waiver -- the legal statement dissociating my mod from all of the official developers and producers of the original Jedi Academy game.


basically a combination of a lot of clone war themed mods, with a bunch of changes added by me.
mostly made by others and compiled by me; except for the changes which i created and added myself. (see "Change List" under Table of Contents).
not quite a total conversion; but almost, i guess. its supposed to change the whole feel of the game to be more like that of the clone wars. minimal jedi. minimal lightsabers. modified force. more focus on guns and clone player models.

Mods Compiled:

Cody Phase I (;105967)

Clones Ultima
by Mars Marshall

DC-15s Blaster
by SoM3

Blastech DC-15A
by Pahricida

RC Style Scope
by adz16

Republic Commando HUD
by Darth NormaN

Battledroid SP
by Master_Ibonek

In-Game Character and Saber Menus
by Master_ibonek

Mods Borrowed From:

Star Wars Movie Duels
by Wector

by Last_Wish

Open Season Mandolorians
by extremex

Change List:

1) first of all, i stripped the original mod files from their original pk3 packaging and crammed them, along with my own files, into new pk3s based on content (weapons, characters, menus), and organized by importance.

2) i changed all the base npc files to use models from the Clones Ultima mod (Luke is Cody, Kyle is a Clone Commander, cultists are magna guards, etc).
this was to add to the clone war feel of the game, even in the cutscenes (which i did not rescript, by the way; this isnt a total conversion... i guess you could say its a mostly converted version).

3) i modified the weapons.dat file to use only a select few weapon models; now many of the guns use the same model and share similar names (see change #4). I also completely reorganized and rearranged the missile_funcs, sounds, and effects. it required a lot of copying and pasting but i like the result it had. now the plasma pistol (DL-44 blaster pistol) fires shots that use the DEMP2 effect, which i believe looks more like plasma. i made other changes like that as well; youll discover them when you use the mod.

4) i changed the menus and sp_ingame strings to rename the weapon within the game. the guns are now called DC-15, DC-17, Commando Pistol, etc. instead of blaster, repeater, demp2, etc. force powers have also been changed to "special abilities" in which i provided scientific physical expalantions for the abilities which the force provides. Push, Pull, and Grip are now called "Electromagnet: Repel, Attract, and Suspend" and Jump is called "Repulsor Boots". The other force powers have been modified as well.
all of the weapon and force power descriptions have been modified as well; a fact i am rather proud of. it was a pain in the ass but fun at the same time. so if youre bored, start up a late-tier mission or open your datapad and peruse the weapons and "special ability" (force power) descriptions. they took a long time, but they were fun to write! maybe you'll enjoy them. i did it to enhance the "clone war" feel of the game.

5) i added jaconfig files to bind the weapons in the correct order, so that those using the same models are grouped in your weapons button row.
for example, the DC-17 has 3 modes, as it does in the game "Republic Commando": blaster mode, sniper mode, and anti-armor mode.
as you may or may not have guessed, these three DC-17 attachments use the E-11 blaster weapon function, the Tenloss Disruptor Rifle weapon function, and the Merr-Sonn Rocket launcher weapon function.
however, being the same weapon (they are all attachments of the DC-17) these weapons are bound to keys 2, 3, and 4 even though the E-11, Tenloss, and Merr-Sonn are usually bound to keys 3, 4, and 0 respectively.
the same goes for the DC-15 and the Commando/Plasma pistols; i have merely rebound the keys to match the weapons.

6) i created entirely new menu art by googling clone, commando, and republic themed images and manually editting them (a ridiculously painstaking process, when you dont have the right software, which i do not; so i am especially proud of myself for this particular change. it took a long time and a lot of work and i am satisfied with the results, so i really hope you like it too!)

7) i made several minor aesthetic modifications, such as changing the targeting reticle and several other things. see if you can spot them.

8) i probably missed some changes, because i made A LOT and i didn't log them as i created them. i had to rememeber them as i wrote this readme, so there are most likely a few not listed here. however, if you notice any changes that are not listed in the mods i used in my compilation, they are most likely the product of my work.
notice i said most likely; if the other mod authors made the same mistake and added something they didnt list, then i obviously dont take credit. however, i am saying that if there are any changes present in my mod that were not present in any of the original mods which i used in production, then those changes are due to my own effort. thank you for your understanding.


1==Extract all the contents of the "Commando" file.
2==Put the pk3s, the jaconfig files, and the readmes into your "Jedi Academy/GameData/Commando Academy" directory.
3==i divided up the contents of the mod into several new pk3s; see Change List #1. The jaconfig files are optional, but i highly recommend them, for reasons explained in Change List #5.
4==Place the "Commando Academy.bat" file in the GameData folder.


If you want to use any of my work, ask me first please! my email is at the top of the readme! And if i acquiesce, it is assumed that you will include this readme and credit me fully, thank you for your consideration.
If you want to use any of the work by the other authors, i have provided their email addresses as well. ask them first.

Legal Waiver:


~Thank You~