Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Force Mod III Classic Edition v1.5

By Venomous^Heart
Date: 12-14-2011




* ForceMod III Classic Edition *
* *
* By PHRG Empire Sith Lord Productions *

Authors : Venomous^Heart >:[, Pitchest^Heart >:[
Version : Version 1.5
Released On : 10-6-11
Filename : FM3CE15.RAR
File Size : 441 MB
Website :
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Note: : To see the full selection of our downloads please visit

Game Requirements

In order to install you must have pre-installed the LucasArts Jedi Academy game along with its 1.01 patch.

Installation Procedures

INSTALLATION FOR NEW FM3 PLAYERS: Put the "ForceMod_III" folder into your gamedata folder.

INSTALLATION FOR EXISTING FM3 PLAYERS: 1st Rename your previous ForceMod_III folder from within the gamedata folder as a backup, copy in the new ForceMod_III folder into the gamedata folder.

TO AVOID ANY CONFLICTS: Please make sure your Base folder does not have extra files other than the starting JA default files (assets0.pk3, assets1.pk3, assets2.pk3, assets3.pk3). If you add additional map files for instance just make sure you test it with the mod to look for any issues or conflicts.

TO PLAY: Click on �Play_FM3CE.bat" in your "Forcemod_III" folder. You can also create a copy of the shortcut on your desktop.

*TO RUN A WINDOWS SERVER: click on "Run_FM3CE_server.bat" in your "Forcemod_III" folder (open "fm3server.cfg" to set up your server). You can also create a copy of the shortcut on your desktop.

Version 1.5 Changes (from Version 1.4)

- Juyo Form improved with completely new updated animations.

- Melee modifications throughout for improved balance (see ingame Melee charts for reference).

- Yellow form piercing stab kata removed as part of re-balance. Replaced with spinning slash attack.

- Blue Lunging kata removed as part of re-balance. Replaced with fast forward slash attack.

- Additional models added (see readme folder for credits).

- Added the Xtra small (XS) model size and assigned some models to this catagory.

Version 1.4 Changes (from Version 1.3A)

- "Wookie Pike" weapon added to staff selection.

- NPC's fixed. (players using only default fm3 will be crashed by them).

- Bots edited to move better, use abilities better and fix bugs.

- Models re organized to fit the classes.

- Vong, Tusken, Noghri and Royal Guards no longer make saber sounds.

- Vong, Tusken, Noghri no longer have force adept taunts and have been given bonus martial arts moves.

- Royal Guards weapon glitch fixed and now have 2 forms with bonus martial arts, weapon sounds and a force adept taunt.

- Vong defense vs guns increased.

- Two new Forms added; Luminara Unduli (Soresu) and Marka Ragnos (Shii-Cho).

- Juyo (Purple) modified as a "striking form" where each swing delivers a deadly short ranged attack thats capable of piercing most forms defenses.

- Butterfly kata returned to staff.

- Twin saber flying kata replaced with tornado saber kata due to animation glitch with the first one.

- Red/Purple forms given shortened duration JKA base yellow kata.

- Yellow form given a piercing stab for the kata.

- Power restrict removed from Grievous sabers and electro staff due to glitch.

- Movement speed bonuses on melee weapons removed due to glitches.

- Advanced test Deka added. (progress to be monitored)

- Ancient Sith skin now comes in 2 versions; the standard medium size for Sith saber classes and Extra Tiny (XT) for the Dark Sage class to compete with Jedi Ancient's shapeshifting ability.

Version 1.3A Changes (from Version 1.3)

- Corrected Ki-Adi-Mundo form style ability by only providing wall grip ability (with no wall run and wall flip.

- Corrected some name form spellings in the Melee 1 Chart located in the Saber Menu section.

- Restricted Hirmans models to their proper class selections for Sith & Jedi.

Version 1.3 Changes (from Version 1.2)

- Expanded the Dual Sabers selections section. You can now choose up to 12 saber hilts for either saber1 or saber2.

- Added Saber powers 1-3 section in Saber menu for saber classes that do not specialize in level 4 saber (Warden, Sentinel, Cardinal, Crypt Guardian)

- Anakin style was added as an additional Djem So form.

- Removed the forced spectate mode between class changes.

- The "1" key was reactivated for use with key binds.

- For balancing purposes several melee modifications were made for various saber forms and classes (please consult in-game Melee Charts)

- Added Hirman's Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis, Asajj Ventress, Ahsoka Tano, Cad Bane, and AT-RT Driver skins

- Added Zkyo's Ingame Server Join Menu.

- Some saber animation place-holders were changed back from OJP version to FM3 defaults due to ongoing modifications and improvements.

- To make room for the new Menu modifications the Fourth Person along with Zoom-In and Zoom-out were removed from the Xbinds section.

FM3CE Highlights

Vast Lightsaber Form selections, Improved melee

- 19 Single Saber Form Selections which include; Single Powers 1-3, Obi-Wan, Luminara Unduli, Kit Fisto, Marka Ragnos, Luke, Anakin, Vader, Ataru, Master Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Niman, Cin Drallig, Makashi, Count Dooku, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Juyo, Mace Windu, and Darth Sidious.

- 3 DualJar-Kai Saber Form types; Standard Duals, Asajj Ventress, and General Greivous.

- 3 Staff Forms: Staff, Electrostaff, and Wookie-Pike.

- All Melee based Class Forms (Force and non-Force) contain unique and extensive Melee modifications.

New In-Game Menu System Additions

Music: 45 Music Soundtracks to choose from consisting of various JA original soundtracks and 6 additional ones (5 from the Sith J Culls EP III Map pack and 1 from the JediCouncilGCX Map).

Bonus Buttons: Contains a total of 10 On & Off buttons: Show FPS, Map-Timer, Lagometer, HUD Display, CrosshairColor, Saber Trail, Speed Trail, Draw Gun, Map Items 2D, and Disable Sky.

Configs: Contains 60 Save and 60 Selection slots so you can save your configuration for each class. There are a total of 2 Save and Select slots for each class (Jedi and Sith both have 2 extra additional slots).

Optimize: To help improve game performance and reduce lag an advanced optimizer has been added. You can eiher select one of 5 pre-configs based on your ping. For manual control there 5 slide buttons along with 4 push buttons that you can use in conjunction with lagometer.

XBinds: You can setup a bind key for a demo recorder and various inventory items (Bacta, Big Bacta, Stationary Shield, Seeker Drone, Sentry Drone, E-Web Turret, Wester Pistols)

Suicide: This allows your character to instantly commit suicide.

(Melee Scale Buttons)

To help show the wide range of strengths and weaknesses of each form, 2 Saber Scale buttons were added to the Saber Forms section (click Profile, then Configure Your Blade)

- Melee Scale1 Button: View Melee Statistics for Saber Forms I-V.

- Melee Scale2 Button: View Melee Statistics for Saber Forms VI-IX, and non-Jedi Melee Weapons.


- Each faction (Jedi, Sith, Mercenary, Military, Species, Droids) has a unique HUD symbol.


- Each model portrait has a marker representing their size. Starting from smallest to largest these are: Xtra Tiny (XT), Tiny (T), Xtra Small (XS), Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L), Xtra Large (XL).


- To change classes (for non-force users) the recommended order in setting them up is as follows:
1. Press "Esc" key to open the Ingame Main Menu and select "Profile" (you will arrive to the Player Configuration screen).
a. Choose Class
b. Choose Faction
c. Choose Team Color
d. Click on a model you want to use
e. Choose "Join Game" to enter the game

- If playing a force class the recommended order in setting them up is as follows:

1. Press "Esc" key to open the Ingame Main Menu and select "Profile" (you will arrive to the Player Configuration screen).
a. Choose Class
b. Choose Faction
c. Choose Team Color
d. Click on a model you want to use

2. Click on the selection to open Force Abilities
a. Setup powers (you can also save or select a Force Template)
b. Press "Apply Powers" & return to the Player Configuration screen

3. Click on the selection called "Configure your blade"
a. Choose a Weapon Type
b. Choose Saber Form
c. Choose Saber Type
d. Choose a Saber Color
e. Choose the "Apply Settings" for the changes to take effect
f. Choose "Join Game" to enter the game

- If you are currently In-game and only wish to modify either your Model (for any class) or Saber Color then just do the following:

1. If you wish to change your model (for any class)
1. Press "Esc" key to open the Ingame Main Menu and select "Profile" (you will arrive to the Player Configuration screen).
a. Choose a model (if you want to modify it)
b. Press the "Esc" key to return to your in-progress game.

2. If you are a saberist and wish to modify the Saber Color
1. Press "Esc" key to open the Ingame Main Menu and select "Profile" (you will arrive to the Player Configuration screen).
b. Choose a Saber Color
c. Press the "Esc" key to return to your in-progress game

- Keep in mind that you can Pre-Save any class and configuration settings then re-use them at a later time. This will save a ton of time for players.

1. To Save a specific class and settings do the following
a. Choose your class, model, configuration settings, etc. (note: the force classes must also save their specific force powers template so they can later retrieve them due to the fact they are not included as part of the standard configs when the config is either saved or being selected).
b. Press "Esc" key to open the Ingame Main Menu and select "Configs"
c. Click on a "save slot" that represents your class. There are 2 slots per class. JediSith have 2 extras due to wider range of possible setups.

2. To select a "pre-saved" configuration do the following:
a. Press "Esc" key to open the Ingame Main Menu and select "Configs"
b. Click on "select slot" to choose a pre-saved configuration

Bugs, Issues, Suggestions

- Please report any bugs, issues, or suggestions you may have on our forums located at HTTP://WWW.PHRGEMPIRE.COM


- If you are interested in using any part of our Mod you must 1st make a request at

Other Notes

- If you wish to add in any additional custom model or model packs please contact us at and we can send you instructions on how to do this so its compatible with the Module.

FM3CE Dedication

The ForceMod III Series in my opinion has been by far the best JK3 FFA Mod. This latest version of FM3CE I feel represents the best elements of everything we have learned over the years. We dedicate this module to all players of past present and future.


- Special thanks to Azymn, the ForceMod III creator, for his permission to continue developing the ForceMod III Series.

- Thanks to Pitchest^Heart >:[ for his ongoing guidance and expertise in helping to bring in the latest improvements into this version.

- Thanks to Solid^Heart >:] for his efforts helping to shape and balance out the Melee chart assignments based off his extensive research for the forms, and also his tireless work on the player models.

- Thanks to Snakeblskn, Forsaken^Heart, Steel^VHRG, and Blood^VHRG for their relentless testing and feedback during the development of this mod.

- Thanks to Hirman for allowing us to include his Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis, Asajj Ventress, Ahsoka Tano, Cad Bane, and AT-RT Driver skins

- Please see the Readme folder for any additional credits or work. If for some reason I missed somebody please let us know and I will gladly either add your names to the credits or remove any unauthorized or unapproved additions.

Venomous^Heart >:[