Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

FlufMod 0.9.5 Beta

By JaedenRuiner
Date: 01-21-2011




<< Fluf_Mod 1.0 Beta >>
<< >>
<< A Jedi Knight Academy Single Player Modification >>
<< Copyright © Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision >>
<< >>

Primary Code: Fluffy (Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al&apos;Raec Ruiner, aka JaedenRuiner)
Packaging: Fluffy (Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al&apos;Raec Ruiner, aka JaedenRuiner)

Special Thanks:,,,,
Raven Software, LucasArts.
And all the loyal fans and followers who have made the Jedi Knight gaming
experience as phenomenal and entertaining as possible. I have always loved
the Jedi concept, as for me "balance" as well as "knowledge and defense" are
keys to life. George Lucas rocks if for nothing else but the concepts he has
devised and interpreted from Joseph Campbell.
Contained in this readme is information pertaining to the overall history
and idea behind the creation of this MOD. Primarily focused on the Single
Player aspect, as well as general installation, and all Acknowledgments
pertaining to the Artists and Magicians involved in creating the models,
skins, and other fabulous recreations of the Jedi and Sith we all know and
love. I ask you please read them, and recognize the sheer skill they all
posses, and code monkey&apos;s like will always admire.

Unzip the Package to a temporary directory, Say C:\FlufMod_Install and
Run the File: C:\FlufMod_Install\FlufMod_Setup.msi
Follow the Windows Installation process, which if Jedi Academy is Installed on
Your computer, the installation will autodetect its location, but will allow you
to manually change the install path if you prefer.

Below is a list of all the files contained within the Installation package and how
they should be installed on the system, assuming that "GameData" is the Jedi
Academy GameData directory.

assets_FlufMod1.0.pk3 (Menu Strings and GFX assets)
FlufMod_Sithskins.pk3 (My Sith Modifications to Default JA Character Models)
FlufMod_Model_Jedi.pk3 (Jedi Character Model Pack)
FlufMod_Model_Sith.pk3 (Sith Character Model Pack)
FlufMOd_Sabers.pk3 (Saber Hilt Pack)
FlufMod_beta.pk3 (Single and Multiplayer Mod with Saber Hilt Enhancements)
FlufMod_ReadMe.txt (This File)
FlufMod_ReadMe_MP.txt (Multiplayer Specific Read Me)
FlufMod_Saber_Info.txt (Enhanced Saber Hilt Pack INformation)
FlufMod_KnownBugs.txt (List of known Bugs and Issues with the Gameplay)
GameData\FlufMod\Docs\Jedi Models
(Original Author Readme Documentation Files for included Jedi Character Models)
GameData\FlufMod\Docs\Sith Models
(Original Author Readme Documentation Files for included Sith Character Models)
GameData\FlufMod\Docs\Saber Models
(Original Author Readme Documentation Files for included Saber Hilt Models)


Well it came to me that I have always found video games to be a wonderful
"escape" to some extent, focusing primarily on things we could not do in real life.
It always perturbed me that friends would often play these "real-to-life" games that
involve the stuff we have to do in our daily lives anyway, like paying bills,
mortgages, buying things for one&apos;s house, etc. Many games have come out with such
concepts, however I never understood the point. With me games were always about
doing things you can&apos;t do, (some of which allow for some amazing anger management,
*chuckle*). However, one of the most joyous concepts presented to us for
"pretending" to be something we are not, is the role of the Force User from the
Starwars Universe. Thus, when I tried the Demo for Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight so
many years ago, I was tragically, and eternally hooked. I have bought every Jedi
Knight game since.
However, as we all know, when playing games there are two main styles of
game play, Single Player and Multiplayer. I am not much of one for Multi-play, as my
original Quake(tm) days kind of burnt me out to the whole online deathmatch. To put
it mildly, I got that out of my system rather young, and haven&apos;t had the dedication
it took to keep up with the rapidly changing times. Yet, I love the Single Player
concepts, for plot as well as adventure aspects. I only wish more games would come
with a built in Cooperative mode, designed to increase the AI per user playing.
Alas, this is not the situation, and I am stuck playing games mostly by myself.
It came to me that over these years of obliterating Single Player games in
succession, I often found myself as a reviewer and commentator to many of my
friends, who trust my judgement on games they might purchase in the future. My
software developer history has allowed me a unique perspective on how code works, as
well as what is POSSIBLE in these games. This mod is a tribute to that. I like
possibilites. Games that are pretty straight forward, like fighting games or your
average FPS, there isn&apos;t much to alter. But games such as Jedi Knight, which contain
minor RPG like aspects, are often too restrictive. Either catering to a corporate
ideal/policy, or sheer laziness I have no idea, but in the end, many of such games
wind up frustrating many into only playing the multiplayer format. With no true
OPEN ENDED aspects to a game, the gamers often feel like things are too simple, or
often to quick and very much so too scripted. An RPG is just that, an RPG, how
you play is the type of character you are. Other RPGs have concepts of Good vs
Evil, and they take part in that ever mutating concept, yet in Jedi Knight Academy
everything was so predictable.
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight was a beatiful concept where your usage of force
awareness (ie secrets & force sight) determined how strong in the force you were. At
first you only could advance neutral powers, until you grew aware enough of the
living Force itself to progress into the more dangerous light vs dark struggle. I
wanted to recreate that. I failed. Ravensoft has tragically kept the single player
code unreleased, and thus hampering my "dream" concept of the true Jedi Knight
Successor. The engine is beautiful, but for me, i like to be able to have a character
who is strong in force abilities, but weak in saber techniques. Or one who doesn&apos;t
use force push at all, but mastered speed as soon as possible. Why is it, that if you
are light or dark, your mission objectives never change? If you are going dark, you
should be the one who Rosh Penin is trying to stop from becoming evil. You shouldn&apos;t
be Sith fighting Sith. Doesn&apos;t make sense.
I also have other opinions about the forces and how they are used, and which
are available. Force Speed should be an active skill, like force lightning. While
you are holding it down, you are speeding, but when released you return to normal.
Any time oriented limit defeats the nature of Force Speed. And most importanly to
me, is the Force Grab. A combination of Force Push, Pull, and Grip, that Vader
used against Luke, as well as Anakin used on Geonosis. The ability to grab objects
and distract your oponent by flinging debris in their direction. Tragically I
could not do these things in the single player mode, yet I was able to manage some of
them into the multiplayer aspect of the mod. Anyway, I have instead done my best to
incorporate as many of my original ideas into this mod as I could, while giving a
taste for what I am working towards.
The basic design is in the hopes to show something of what I am capable of,
as well as see if I might incur interest in such future projects. Most definitely
the multplayer engine will be necessary, however, I believe with enough talented
individuals we might be able to recreate a mission based RPG through the multiplay
format. (Hopefully open ended so that any sp or mp map could be dropped into the
Please be known, this is a BETA for the moment, as I mentioned that am
setting up for a much larger task at hand. However, I would like comments pertaining
to likes and dislikes of these modifications, and if there is a basis for others who
think similarly. If you don&apos;t like it, that&apos;s cool, I know we all game differently
so please try not to bash me too much. Cheezygrin. I have listed all the features
below as best I can, and I HOPE some of you enjoy playing single player as much as
I do.


First of all, I&apos;d like to mention why I have done things the way I have. I
wanted to create the MOD itself, which is rather different in design than most I have
seen, yet in my own frivolous nature I realized some of my additions are quite
pointless. One does not need flashing lights on their Saber, or the ability to
remove robes and capes in the game. I just thought they looked cool, as well as
giving me experience dealing with skins and scripting skin and shader files, so
there you have it. *shrug*.
Anyway, I found that with my mod, the only way to do some of these decorative
additions, was to repackage all of these models and sabers the way I needed them to be
for my MOD code. I quite enjoy just playing the game with a different character and
different abilities so that each time I come across a level, I have to play it
differently as appropriate with the unique type of character I&apos;m playing. I did some
reskinning myself, but nothing really of note, just playing around and making things
"look cool" to my mind, In the end, most of this is just repackaging. However the
way they are interconnected required me to handle a LOT of acknowledgements to the
fine individuals responsible for the art. Thus, I have incorporated this README as
a singular readme pertaining to all of the packages I made.

Packages Include:

-FlufMod_Beta - Actual MOD itself.
-FlufMod_SithSkins - My skinning debut manipulating some of the JKA stock skins
to add skins that appear more Sith-like in nature for the
JKA default models.
-FlufMod_Model_Jedi - StarWars only JEDI models, configured to Single Player and
Multiplayer. (Mutiplayer remain unchanged in skin setup)
-FlufMod_Model_Sith - Starwars only SITH models, configured to Single Player and
Multiplayer. (Multiplayer remain unchanged in skin setup.
Also Some EU Characters to fill out the lack of SITH in
the movies.)
-FlufMod_Sabers - Saber Hilt Package.
-assets_FlufMod1.0 - Menu Strings and other MOD Assets

-FlufMod_Readme - This File: General Mod Description & Features and
Model & Saber Acknowledgements
-FlufMod_Saber_Info - Saber Modification Descriptions

As a side note, you may notice that several of the Saber Hilts did not
include their documentation in the inital package I downloaded. I have looked around
for them and have not found their original authors. PLEASE INFORM ME OF YOUR WORK


- SinglePlayer Force Point System

At the moment it is quite a HACK, but it works, and that&apos;s the point.
Through the use of the menu system and external CVARS, I created a "different" (far
be it for me to claim "better") system for the distribution of forcepoints.

-Force Sense
I find that the Force Sense ability is supposedly innate to what a Jedi
is. "Seeing things before they happen giving them god-like reflexes".
If it were up to me, i would code in force Sense as being the most powerful
ability, instead of a simple "item and secret finder" that the single
player game makes it, or the "bypass mindtrick" ability that multiplayer
makes it. Thus, I have taken it out of the equation somewhat,
due to my current lack of modifying ability for the Single Player Game.
It is still incrementable like all other abilities, but it starts the
game at level 2.

-Saber Throw
I don&apos;t like saber throw. It&apos;s cheap, and impracticle. (Obi Wan: "This
weapon is your life!") The jedi should never knowingly chuck their saber
around the room. Our lightsaber is all we got. (I prefer to try to play
and beat the Jedi Knight games without ever using any other weapons,
however the placement of disrupter rifle snipers often forces me to play
sniper wars *grr*).
Anyway, Darth Vader(EP6) & Yoda(EP3) are the only Jedi to have been
witnessed throwing their saber, and it wasn&apos;t with any real "boomerang"
control, it was simply an agressive attack against Luke and a Clone
Trooper. Thus, I revamped how Saber Throw is given in the game. With the
default SaberPack all sabers are generically the same: all with default
values. The MOD alters this play to give each saber specific combat
capabilities and limitations, some of which include the inability to
throw the saber. Kicks are available to those sabers that aren&apos;t throwable.
However, since some sabers are throwable and others are not, Saber throw
starts the game at 0, and it is up to you to increase it wisely.

-Initial Forces:
Pull: 1 //Because of the ID-10-T error, some maps require you
//to be able to Pull/push objects. Also, it should be
//innate for a Jedi to be able to "pull" items
//(ie saber) to them.
Sense: 2
Saber Offense: 1
Saber Defense; 1

-Tier 1:
Game Start: 6 pts
Missions: 1 pt (2 if All Secrets found)
Total Points: 10 to 12 Possible Pts
-Tier 2:
First Mission: 3 pts (5 if Saber Favorite Weapon)
Missions: 1 pt (2 if All Secrets found)
Total Points: 7 to 12 Possible Pts
-Tier 3:
First Mission: 3 pts (5 if All Secrets found)
Missions: 1 pts (2 if All Secrets found)
Total Points: 7 to 13 Possible Pts

Total Points In Game: 24 to 37 Possible Pts

As you can see I did a little tweaking with the per mission point system. If
you find all of the secrets on a mission (eg: Post-mission menu shows
"Secrets Found: # of #") then, the next mission you recieve extra force
points for spending. This is remaniscent of DFII:JK. However it isn&apos;t perfect, as
some missions have secrets, but do not actually consider them as Secrets in the
"post-mission debrief". So, basically if after the mission it displays a "Secrets
Found" entry, and you have found ALL of the secrets for that level, you will recieve
the extra point.

- SinglePlayer Saber System

-Select any Hilt, Any Style at start of game.
Sabers: Dual, Staff, Single
Stances: Medium, Strong, Fast, Tavion, Desann
Colors: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Red.
Hilts: (See: FlufMod_Saber_Info.txt)

-New Style selection system based on increasing Saber Offense
If you increase your Saber Offense you will recieve the option to add an
additional style of your choice. This happens at the Weapon Selection
Screen. If you choose not to add a style at this moment, select NONE and
you will recieve no bonus style. After Hoth and Vjun you still recieve the
default new style as per the game, however at this point you can as well
select NONE and choose to retain only the styles you currently posess.
This acts now to make SaberOffense a tad bit more important, not just
style-wise, but also as your attack base. You can have only one style, but
a level 3 saber offense, so you are really powerful offensively, even though
you only use one style of saber combat.
Finally, this does not affect the MOD oriented hilt limitations. You
still retain ALL styles you gain in the game, even if a specific HILT does
not allow you to use it, so be careful about which saber hilt you pick and
what styles you pick for it. Especially after VJun, where you can "build" a
new saber hilt, so this may or may not affect styles learned throughout the
course of the game.

Also, after the VJun mission, where you str able to select a new saber hilt,
this has been altered to prevent changing saber types. You must stick with
whatever type of saber you began the game with. I personally like this better,
because as the game progresses, you are "practicing" saber techniques with
one type of saber. "Obi-Wan: If only you&apos;d spend as much time practicing
your saber techniques as you do flying, and you&apos;d rival Master Yoda as a
swordsman." Hence, you don&apos;t really alternate between the saber types,
you focus on ONE type and get really good at it. With this as well, I
believe wholeheartedly in the role-play aspects, and thus if you increase
your SaberOffense with one type of saber, you should have to start from
Level 1 again for a different type of saber combat. Which, since I could not
code this effect with the limited resources available for Single Player mods,
I simply eliminitated the option.

- Starwars Jedi Single Player & Multiplayer Model Package

Allows for the use of characters we all love and know in the multiplayer
or as customizable single player models. They do however incorporate the
standard Dual Saber JKII model bug. I hope i might be able to find out how
to fix this, but alas, I am not an artist like these wonderful people
who&apos;ve created these models.

- InGame Character Skin Menu
I&apos;ve always thought that the RPG-like nature of the JK games wasn&apos;t
indicative of the choices one makes. I hope to actually script in some
things via cinematics or something. I might be taking a lot of this to
the multiplay RPG format. However, in battles often one gets ahead of
themselves, like Anakin vs Dooku, whoops there goes his arm. Well, why
not allow for the player to update their current skin (not species) to
reflect how they are performing. Maybe give them a "whoops lost a
limb" that now needs to be replaced with a mechanical one. (according
to the skins available). Well that is the future intent, however,
currently with this aspect of the mod, you can truly affect your current
skin ingame, just by pressing the ESC key,

- Frivolous Robe/Helmet Toggling
With the many varied and unusual skins out there, many like Mace
Windu, and Obi Wan kenobi, etc have robes. Now i have wanted for a long
time to make the robe an actual removable item, that falls to the floor
and must be retrieved. Qui Gon looks downright awesome with the robe
on, but sometimes the robe gets in the way (or theoretically could catch
fire as in Mace Windu in EP2).
Thus I like the ability to in game press a key for an action that
removes the robe. But then to put it on again later when more appropriate
to be in full Jedi attire. I hope to work on this eventually, to make the
robe an "acquirable" item, like weapons or bacta tanks. Currently for SP
you have to bind the key yourself, but that is all included in the default
"autoexec.cfg" that one just needs to modify the "skin toggle" key binding.

Currently Configured Models:

Hooded Robe
General Kenobi (EP3)
Master Obi-Wan (EP2)
Ben Kenobi (EP4),
Anakin Skywalker (EP2 & 3)
Quinlan Vos
Qui Gon Jinn
Mace Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi(EP1)
Darth Maul
Twi&apos;lek Female
Darth Vader - Helmet

I have included these specifications so that future modelers/skinners
should they even care to like my creations here, can take advantage of the
system I have already designed, so anyone can add other future models into
the mod without waiting for me to download and update their skin sets.

Heads: -> default head skin with a helmet -> same head skin without a helmet -> head skin with tentacle up -> same head skin with tentacle down -> default head with no hood -> same head with hood up

Torsos: -> default torso with no robe -> same torso with robe -> default torso with no cape -> same torso with cape

Three primary rules:
1. With each of these files there is the _a1_ section. This section is
for the varying types of heads/torsos. Like the standard skins, there
can be a few of these. For single player this is limited to 10 each,
labeled: a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, d1, d2, e1, e2. Multiplayer is not
concerned as long as the _h_, _t_, _hd_, _r_, and _c_ are present.
2. The suffix for these files is the tag both systems look for. They have
specific meanings equally in multiplayer and single player. For Helmets
and Tentacles there is only the one option _a, since they only have one
option, (on/off) or (up/down). For the robes there are 4 selections,
_a Jedi Robe, _b Blue Robe, _c Red Robe, _d Black (Sith) robe. For
Capes there is also a _bl for Light Blue, _cl for Light red and _e for
3. Finally, and MOST importantly, the _hd_ tag for hoods, are ALWAYS
paired with _r_ tags for the torso robes. These are three stage items,
allowing you to toggle between hood up/down, as well as robe completely
on or off.


<< Models >>

Anakin Skywalker -
Author: HapSlash (
Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion,- INFINITY BLADE
Sounds: Gwethenea, Dark Rizer, Overlord, Grievous, and Raven Software
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Aurra Sing -
Authors: Tim &apos;Spacemonkey&apos; Appleby, Adam &apos;Cheshire&apos; Lee
Sounds: The sounds included are a mixture of samples made by Caryn "Hellchick" Law, and altered versions of Tavions, from JediKnight2.
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Ben Kenobi -
Author: Kevin Coyle
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Coleman Trebor -
Model & Skins: Psyk0Sith, Inbredyokel, NeoMarz1, DarkLord60, Mookey
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Count Dooku -
Author: HapSlash (
Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion,- INFINITY BLADE
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Darth Maul -
Model: Adam "Cheshire" Lee
Default: Adam "Cheshire" Lee
Red: Kurtis "Kman" Smith
Blue: "Arco" Furgeson
Eye Glow: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
Mason "Temptous" Gilbertson
Additional Sounds: Sampo
Additional Skins - b
Original SP Modification - boinga 1, b
Addition SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Darth Maul Robed -
Model - Aaron Smith, Keshire
Orig Skin: Lord Kabal
Team Skins: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
Skin Eye Glow: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
Sp Modificiation - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Darth Vader -
Modeling/Skins: Mars Marshall "NeoMarz1"
Sounds: NeoMarz1
Animations/Weighting: PsykoPat
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Eeth Koth -
Model & Skins: Aaron Smith, Toonces, Mars Marshall "NeoMarz1", DarkLord60, AOTCTC Team
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Jerec -
Model: David "Madjai" Henry
Skin: Chris "Inbredyokel" Brenny
Shaders: "Toonces"
Sounds: All were used in Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Ki Adi Mundi -
Model & Skins: Psyk0Sith, Grafox, Mars
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Kit Fisto -
Model + Import: Toonces (
Skins: Arco (Default Kit Fisto, Red CTF)
Sithlord (Blue CTF)
Sounds: Nomad, and Nomads brother (didn&apos;t get his name)
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Luke Skywalker - A New Hope
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Mace Windu -
Model & Skins: Toonces, Arco, Deetox
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Master Obi-Wan -
Model: Aaron Smith
Skin: Hapslash
Sounds: Deetox, Sharad Hett
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Obi Wan Kenobi EP1 -
Model & Skins: Tex360, Toonces, Arco, Mars, Deetox, Wolf Devil
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

General Kenobi
Model & Skin: HapSlash
Sounds: Dark Rizer, Overlord, Infinity Blade
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Qui Gon Jinn - &
Model + Import: Tex360, Toonces
Skins: Arco, Sithlord (Red CTF head texture)
Sounds: Deetox
Botfiles Wolf Devil (Qui-Gon, Darth Toxic), Toonces (Lord Jin)
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Saesee Tiin -
Model & Skins: Aaron Smith, Toonces, Mars Marshall "NeoMarz1", DarkLord60, AOTCTC Team
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Shaak Ti -
Author: Aaron Smith
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Yarael Poof -
Model: Psyk0Sith
Skins: NeoMarz1
Sounds: Nomad (and his brother)
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Yoda -
Authors: "Team Yoda"
Model: Kinja
Importing: Sithlord-ii
Skins: "Arco" Ferguson (Blue Yoda & Default Yoda), Kurtis "Kman" Smith (Red Yoda)
SP Modification - Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

<< Saber Hilts >>

Aayla Secura
Author: Shawn Dworshak/[JO]Master Shawn
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Anakin Skywalker - EP2
Model & Skin: StarWarsKartikay
Animated Shaders: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Anakin Skywalker - EP3
Model & Skin: HapSlash
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Aurra Sing
Author: Unknown - (no documentation included in original downloaded package) PLEASE INFORM ME SO I CAN CREDIT YOU!!!
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Ben Kenobi
Authors: Shawn Dworshak, [JO]Master Shawn
Animated Shaders: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Corran Horn
Author: Haseco
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Count Dooku
Model & Skin: [PS]Optik
Added Skin Help: Madjai
HUD Image: Garik Loran
Re-Modeling for Accuracy: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Darth Maul
Author: Alaris
Assembled by: Last Of The Jedi
Broken Model: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
Animated Shaders: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Darth Vader
Author: sithlord-II
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Exar Kun
Author: Sish_Sadeet (Joshua M. Scott)
Broken Model: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Jacen Solo
Model: Bakers8er
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Author: Lord Nader
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Ki Adi Mundi
Author: Unknown - Quamosity
Animated Shaders: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Kit Fisto
Author: BoL_Stryke
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Mace Windu
Author: Mau\&apos;dae
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Master Obi-Wain
Author: Shawn Dworshak/[JO]Master Shawn
Animated Shaders: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Author: Alaris
Assembled by: Last Of The Jedi
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Plo Koon
Author: BoL_Stryke
Staff Model: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
Animated Shaders: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Qui Gon Jinn
Author: Alaris
Animated Shaders: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Saesee Tiin
Author: Quamosity
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Author: Unknown - (no documentation included in original downloaded package) PLEASE INFORM ME SO I CAN CREDIT YOU!!!
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Trebor, (Coleman)
Author: Shawn Dworshak/[JO]Master Shawn
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Yarael Poof
Author: Quamosity
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Author: Nidal aka. The FallenAngel_NYC
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

Model & Import: jibe
Skin: Madjai, Arco, jibe
SP Modification: Fluffy/JaedenRuiner

* Copyright / Permissions *
This mod, and it&apos;s direct source is not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it&apos;s creators.
I give permission to all to use what I have created in their own mods, as long
as credit is provided to the Appropriate authors.
The characters and certain sound files are all the
copyright of Lucas Arts.

Quake is a Registered Trademark of IdSoftware Inc.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
© Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision