Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Star Wars Chronicles Duels Pack 1 (1.0)

By Chronicles Team
Date: 12-12-2009
Version: 1.0




Star Wars: Chronicles
A Jedi Academy Total Conversion

Title : Star Wars Chronicles Total Conversion
Version : Duel Pack I
Author : Chronicles Team

Star Wars Chronicles is a Jedi Academy Modification that is being developed by the Chronicles Team since August 17th 2007.
The idea is creating singleplayer missions that resembles to the six movies of the saga, something that many dreamt and couldn't do so far.
We count with a huge number of members that are working to provide you the best quality and pleasure.
MovieBattles Team, responsable for creating the famous MovieBattles II modification is supporting us.
In this duel pack, we present the famous Duel of Fates and Geonosis Duel both brilliantly scripted and prepared for you.
We hope you get everything you wished for while downloading this mod.

Extract the contents of the .rar/.zip to your GameData folder


map original-------------- Cur-Gan Javaa's, modificado por K.O
map new ---------------- Master_Jin
Skycube-------------------- Izzy
Dooku---------------------- Hapslash
Clones--------------------- Mars Marshall
Anakin--------------------- Kevin Coyle
Yoda----------------------- Toshi
Hilts---------------------- RevanDark
Blastech DC-15A------------ Pahricida
Padme---------------------- Toshi
YOda----------------------- TOshi
Obi-wan-------------------- Aaron's
Republic gunship----------- OwnerMace^F & Szico VII, Marz Marshall
Animations---------------- Larraz
Sounds-------------------- Larraz
Scripts-------------------- Larraz
Music--------------------- Larraz
Music menu---------------- tanguezo
Menu Code---------------- Jedilight