Dureal sabers

By Dureal
Date: 02-13-2008



Title: Dureal Sabers v1.0

Author: Dureal

Date: Feb 11/2008

Put the DurealSabers.pk3 file into your Base folder (Install path\GameData\Base).
Easy enough, eh?

+ Increased strength in saberlocks
+ Increased blocking rate
+ Increased breaking-block rate
+ Impossible to lose the saber
+ Increased chance to disarm opponent
+ Increased damage

+ Increased strength in saberlocks
+ Increased blocking rate
+ Increased breaking-block rate
+ Impossible to lose the saber
+ Increased chance to disarm opponent
+ Increased damage
+ Throwable in both fighting styles
+ Single-Blade-Style changed to strong/red instead of medium/yellow
+ On hit, there's the chance that the hilt breaks and you'll have two "Dureal" sabers (This never happened to me, however it's in the source code, so I guess this is limited to single player or happens only at an incredible low chance)

+ Same features as "Dureal"
+ Tavion's fighting style

+ Same features as "Dureal"
+ Attributes of Desann's saber (Increased length and width)
+ Desann's fighting style

The Shikai transforms your blade to a combination of a single blade (which is 10x bigger than a normal saber) and two additional blades (with the size of staff blades) coming out from the left and right side of your hilt. Your increased range, however, comes at the cost of your attack speed. Good timing and defensive gameplay could form this to an actual advantage.
+ 3 blades!
+ No saberlocks
+ Further increased blocking rate
+ Further increased breaking-block rate
+ Impossible to lose the saber
+ Further increased chance to disarm opponent
+ Increased damage
+ Unlimited combo possibility
+ Knockback capability (the higher the damage, the more your opponent gets knocked away)
- Decreased attack speed (by half)

The Bankai transforms your blade into a seven-bladed, blood-thirsty, spiked Grim Reaper meant for pure offensive gameplay. The range and damage are insane leaving your opponent without any hope of surviving. Not even does the Bankai let you attack at a normal speed again, it also increases your movement speed, making you an unstoppable killing machine.
+ 7 blades!
+ No saberlocks
+ Insanely increased blocking rate
+ Insanely increased breaking-block rate
+ Impossible to lose the saber
+ Insanely increased chance to disarm opponent
+ Insanely increased damage
+ Unlimited combo possibility
+ Insane knockback capability
+ Increased movement speed (doubled)

End notes:
This stuff is in no way supported by Lucas Arts, blablablablabla...

As you probably noticed while reading this stuff or trying the sabers out, this saber pack is purely made for fun. Of course these sabers are in no way balanced and grant you an insane advantage over a normal-sabered opponent. I might actually try to create a balanced saber pack someday but until then have fun with this one and don't be as stupid and try to use this stuff in ESL matches ;-) (Unless both teams/players agree on it or what's even more unthinkable, a ladder gets opened where you have to use these sabers)
Thanks to KotF-Clan for the Shikai and Bankai models.

Have fun folks,