Battle Realms Melee Pack

By Trauma Sensei
Date: 07-30-2005




Battle Realms melee pack
Mod Name: "TS_brmeleepack.pk3"

Author: Trauma Sensei *Most stuff*


Sounds: Custom made and default sounds.

Description: A Battle Realms themed melee weapon pack.


A variety of oriental weapons, all of them modified to have certain attributes
depending on your fighting style you will want to use only a few of these,
all these weapons have balanced attributes, for example, those that are fast
have diminished capacity to inflict damage, and those are shorter have the capacity
to parry and block easier, just like in real life =D
I am sorry for this lame description but there is really not much to say
Included in this pack is:
A wide long sword
Two staves of similar design
A katana
A wakizashi
A ninjato
A battle fan intended for dual using
A crescent-shaped blade intended for dual using
A large katana
A large wide sword

Since the mod is... dead, I decided to release this alone, I wish someone had the time
to teach me how to actually make guns work, that way this wouldnt be a MELEE pack...


Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the /gamedata/base/ directory


Thanks to the Battle Realms mod crew, specially Meush who taught me how to add tags
he is the person responsible for getting me into making this pack =D
My beta-testers... I do not remember you all... I do remember Inyri Forge, Meush
and Iswer... I apologize to those I did not mention
I am terribly sorry that I do not know where did I got the blood effect from,
if you recognize your work, please let me know so I can give you credit for it
or remove it in case you do not grant me permission to use it.
Thanks to all those who actually did something for this mod and I am forgetting to mention.
I must credit all those bands that I listened to while I was making this =P which happen
to be a lot so I wont mention them all and just say that they kick ass... I am so lazy =P


* Copyright / Permissions *
These models are property of the original author *Trauma Sensei*
The credit for the designs go to the crew of the original Battle Realms game for PC
You may not make profit of this mod.
You may distribute this only with this readme.