
By lostingamma
Date: 12-01-2004




This mod adds an additional weapon to multi-player. Its Hadhafang.
This is the weapon that Arwen used in the Lord Of The Rings.
Here is some more detail:

Arwen's sword is called Hadhafang which means Throng-cleaver.
It once belonged to the Elven princess Idril, who wed a mortal
man and bore Earendil, the father of Elrond who in turn was
father to Arwen.Before Arwen's birth Elrond wielded Hadhafang at
the end of the second age of Middle-Earth, during the Last Alliance
of Elves and Men in the great battle against Sauron. Later his daughter
Arwen used Hadhafang when she aided Frodo in his escape from the Ringwraiths.
Inscribed on the blade are runes in the Elven language of Sindarin that
say "aen estar Hadhafang i chathol hen, thand arod dan i thang an i arwen."
Which translates to "this blade is called Hadhafang, a noble defense against
the enemy throng for a noble lady." There is an intentional pun in the inscription
- the Sindarin translation of "noble lady" is "arwen", so in effect, the blade claims
to be for Arwen, even though it was made for her grandmother.

I Fixed the Image Mapping, so it looks better.

::To Install::

Simply Copy Hadhafangv2.pk3 to your Base Folder.

Author: lostingamma
Email: lostingamma@lostingamma.jk2files.com
Webiste: http://lostingamma.jk2files.com