The Master's Laser Screwdriver (1.0)

By tomsrocc
Date: 04-20-2012
Version: 1.0




This is my attempt at recreating The Master's Laser Screwdriver, as seen in the third season of Doctor Who.
Naturally, it is not identical, with some flaws there and there coming from my amateurism, but I still hope you will enjoy it.
It works as a single saber, although there are three blades on the tip, reduced slightly in length and radius. The hilt itself is of standard JKA size.
Model data:
1396 vertices,
3 tags,
1 texture file,
3 pieces.
Put the laserscrewdriver.pk3 file in your Jedi Academy's base or mod folder. If you put it in base, it'll appear in both the base game and all modifications you might have installed.
----Tweaking and additional notes.
You can tweak the possibly overpowered damage coming from three blades yourself, by opening the .pk3 file with a zip tool of choice and going to ext_datasabers and opening themaster.sab file. Within the brackets, add the following line:

damageScale (number)

This command scales the saber's damage up or down, with 1 being the base value.
For balance, you'd want to lower it to a one third or a similar number. This is how the file would look like if you used the example.

name "Master's Screwdriver"
saberStyle none
saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_themaster/saber.glm"
damageScale 0.33
NumBlades 3
soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav"
soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav"
soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav"
saberLength 35
saberradius 0.25
saberColor random

The design is made by the concept artist working on the Doctor Who BBC show, Peter McKinstry.
No copyright infringement intended.

Apologies for weak English.