Star Wars: The Mystery Shadow

By CloudVision Productions
Date: 12-06-2008




Title:Star Wars The Mystery Shadow
Director:Shimi Zaki
Cast: Jamus Kevari
Rash Loist

CloudVision Productions 2008©

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Main Plot: Power has enraged across the galaxy. Former Jedi Master Baro Kalv has found the secret to the enternal power of the force. Allowing him to affect the very users of the force to kill, and cause chaos around the galaxy.

Havex Welium now a Jedi KNight and a former Padawan to Baro Kalv. Has been sent by an outcasted Jedi Master to find and hunt down former Jedi Baro Kalv

The only being stopping Baro Kalv to be sucessful is Jedi Knight Havex Welium. If the Jedi KNight Follows his written destiny only then he can prevent further chaos...