Gtkradiant 1.5 Video 2

By Talesan
Date: 03-07-2008



Name: Gtk Radiant 1.5 Video 2

Type: Video

Length: about 10 mins

Size:45.64 MBs

For: Gtkradiant 1.5 Ja.

What this covers:

Making a room, texturing it, turning it into a bsp, getting it to run without it being a pk3.

Author: Talesan

Member Name: Taly

Works best with:

-Working Speakers

-Gtkradiant 1.5 open infront of you

Special Thanks to:

Bubba and Kaitos

Bubba for His Tools and Mapping tutorials.

Kaitos for getting me started with mapping. Also the tutorials



You may NOT use any part of this video as your own work. Example:

Take scenes or follow my direct lines and put them into your movie.