The Last Hope Sneak Peak

By Jebus Esio
Date: 12-04-2006





Authour: Jebus Esio
Email: (add me to MSN if you like)
Release Date: 3rd December
Size: 10.1mb
Website: (exclusive movies on there too)
Made by: Jebus Esio, and the TCP (The Confedarcy of Phenixica) clan


Installtion Intructions: Extract anywhere you want, go to the file and open it. (It is on Windows Media Player)


Running Time: 1 minute and 30 seconds

Description: This is a sneak peak for my upcoming movie, The Last Hope. It shows the starting music scene that explains what
has happened in the very recent past. There are 2 main reason why I am realeasing this:

1. To make sure the viewers know that the movie is still being made
2. To see if this scene is actually something worthwhile


Belcameron (TCP Clan Leader)
Jebus Esio
3MJ Recruitung Server
And The Maker Of The Izzy Survival Mod

COPYRIGHT 2006 (TCP), Jebus Esio and The Esio Corporation Productions

This film is not to be modified in any way without my permission.