Midgar v3 Trailer (720p)

By MaceCrusherMadunusus
Date: 12-03-2006
Version: 720p




Midgar v3 Trailer

An -{Mc}- Video Production
Title: Midgar v3 Trailer (720p)
Author: MaceCrusherMadunusus
Map Author: Szico VII
E-mail: agb0814@cox.net
Release Date (Vid): 12-02-06
Length: 3 Minutes 38 Seconds
site: http://macesmapping.map-craft.com
Size: 164 MB (172,231,147 bytes)

Description: Here is a very lengthy trailer that I've been working on for the past few weeks, putting my Republic Cruiser map aside for a bit. This trailer features alot of areas of the map, though not all of them because they were not all easy to film (mainly in the Shinra HQ). It also features some fake effects through out the video. You may not be able to tell the difference on some of them but they are there, full list of them below. The video also features FF7 and AC music supplied by Szico VII for the video. Though there are a few things in the video that could have been done better, but for the ammount of time Szico was giving me. This trailer is definately a good one, so please enjoy it.

Fake Effects list:

-First Bike Explosion.
-Bike Exhaust (2 shots)
-Second Bike Explosion.
-Rain and Cloud Background
-Lightning on the end Text

-Light Rays on Highway.
-First, 2nd, 3rd Sparkle Effect. - Basis by Szico VII from the actuial map, Converted and edited to fit the video.
-Bike headlight (side and front)
-Blurs and Lense flares.
-Fire Burst
-Lightning background.
-Text glows.

Fake Sound.

-Speeding up train.
-Bike sounds and explosion sounds.
-1 Lightning sound.

-All Lightning sounds.

These have been put here so you know what to expect in the map. So don't go expecting all of this in the map itself.

Release Date: There is no set release date yet, the map itself is almost finished, the models are still WIP.

Szico VII
*WGO* Shadow

In-game Behind the scenes helpers.
Szico VII

-If I forgot your name I'm sorry.

Enjoy the trailer and start drooling :P