Ice Clan Video

By Saidoo
Date: 08-01-2006



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Hey, Saidoo here, this is just a little something I decided to make for ice.
Its just basically TFFAing and our TFFA team members and all of that. Just
what we ice members like to do on a daily bases. Personally id love to make
it a little better, but i wanted to get it out to the public as soon as possible.
So anyway, I used fraps with this, I just recorded demos then went and played
the demos and recorded over them with fraps (this really helps cause Fraps tends
to lag your game.) So yeah, if anyone is interested in joining come to our server,
or check out the forums, we are always looking for new faces :) Well, I wont keep
you guys, Enjoy.

Server and clan changes have been made since the making of this video so check out our forums at for further clan and server information.

We are currently recruiting.

Keep a look out for a newer and better ice video!