LDJ's Stargate Trailer - High Definition

By Master Yoshi
Date: 01-30-2006




LDJ's Stargate - HD Showcase

This is a trailer in 720p H.264 HD for LDJ's upcoming map, Stargate.

Requirements: Quicktime 7, Powerful Processor (to decode H.264 HD)

Size: 1280x544

*NOTE* This video is a smooth 30FPS frame rate, if you experience lag then that will be your CPU not being able to
decode H.264 quick enough, not the filming (this can be proven by watching the smaller version, or, if you have
a decent processor, ideally dual-core, then you will be able to watch the HD video smoothly).


Chris - for helping me out with the new HyperDrive Pictures logo.

Master Yoshi's HyperDrive Pictures is a company that specialize in effects (which will be seen in the upcoming JKAG
trailer, Chris is going to be helping out with some CGI scenes done in MAX).
