Star Wars Wintertime Story - Part 1

By Effendi
Date: 01-11-2006



Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Movie
Title: Star Wars Wintertime Story - Part 1
Author: Effendi

Filename: Star Wars Wintertime Story - Part 1.wmv
Filesize: 64.5 mb

Installation Instructions: Download and double click the icon to start the movie.
Windows Media Player is recommended.

Running Time: 8 minutes and 55 seconds.

Description: The action takes place over a hundred years after the defeat of The Empire. The Jedi Academy has its branches on dozens of planets. A young Padawan comes back home after a hard and long day in the Academy, situated on the planet where he lives. The winter is cold and wonderful this year. But the student's parents do not give him a warm welcome...

Special thanks to my sister MaryAnn for her great ingame acting.
Glory to Szico VII for the remarkable map "BlueIce Twilight".
Thanks to SG_Barada for the "grandma" skin and to Romulus for "George Lucas" skin.
Thanks to Raven Software.

Music by:
"Walking in the winter wonderland" - Bing Crosby
"Time" - Pink Floyd
Music from Jedi Academy and Republic Commando
"I put a spell on you" - Marylin Manson
"Movin' out" - Billy Joel

Voices by:

Bugs: Some issues with the Jedi's saber hilt. Sometimes it can be seen and sometimes not.

Comments: Forgive me if I made any language or spelling errors. I did my best to avoid them. The next part comes next winter, I guess.

COPYRIGHT 2005 Effendi
This film is not to be modified in any way without my permission.