STAR WARS New Conflict - Episode I

By Effendi
Date: 11-16-2005



Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Movie
TITLE: "STAR WARS New Conflict - Episode I"
AUTHOR: Effendi, Peteromaniak

FILENAME: STAR WARS New Conflict - Episode I.wmv
DATE RELEASED: 25 October 2005

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Unzip, then double click on the movie icon to start, and enjoy. Windows Media Player might be useful.
RUNNING TIME: 00:23:34
PLOT DESCRIPTION: After a couple of peaceful years in the galaxy, the dark times seem to be coming back. The New Republic, not aware of serious threat, slowly develops its economy and spreads over different systems. In the meantime, a mysterious evil master gathers a giant army and prepares for a total war with the New Republic. Fortunately, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker never gets off guard. After receiving bad news, he and his fellows, former students of the Academy, now- experienced Jedi Knights, set themselves an objective to warn the New Republic of the threat.
TIMETABLE: The events from our movie take place a couple of years after defeating Ragnos Disciples. We assume that Jaden didn't turn to Dark Side.
SOME COMMENTS: The evil character is Master Hilter (watch the spelling), but I assure you that the movie is not related to The World War II. By the way, we all know that George Lucas took inspiration from this tragic war, its events and people that were part of it. We live in Poland, so we have good knowledge how our families, country and many other countries suffered, and that's why we would never try to recall any bad memories or hurt anyone by this fan film. If you don't want to watch it, just don't download it, same as with the skin of hitler from jk2files. And please don't tell me I'm not educated or something, or that I have no respect to the history of WWII - Holocaust, reprisals, executions, genocide, bloody, people wasting campaigns, milions of tragedies. I have better knowledge than most of you. Besides that, take for example Monty Python and their "Hilter in England" sketch, I'm sure you liked it, or all WWII games. Remember!!! It's just a movie, made for fun, not offending anyone.

Directed, written, performed by
Effendi and Peteromaniak

Music by
John Williams, Beethoven, Status Quo, Modern Talking, Electric Light Orchestra, Red Army Choir.

Voices by
Effendi, Peteromaniak, Jedi Academy default voices, Microsoft Sam. (Please forgive us if there are some language mistakes; we are from Poland)

-"Vaders Chamber" by LivingDeadJedi
-"NABOO HILLS version 2.1" by Darth Zappa
-"Kashyyyk" by Captainm
-"Sith-J-Cull's Falcon" by Sith-J-Cull
-"ffa_destroyer" by Raven Software
-"Imperial Dreadnaught Final v 1.3" by -Merrick-
-"Battle Over Coruscant" by Orbitius and Hatrus
-"Deathstar Trench v2.0" by Darth Zappa
-"Coruscant Part I - Padme's Home" by Sith-J-Cull
-"DEX's Club" by Sith-J-Cull
-"[USA]-Forest" by USA clan

Models and skins
-"Episode III Jedi Starfighter (1.5)" by Manquesa
-"A-Wing Starfighter" by Gregory (Manquesa) Birmingham
-"Lambda Shuttle" by Raven Software
-"Bdc-cloudcar" by Darth Zappa
-"Hitler" by SG_Barada
-"Episode III Clones" by gingerguy
- Green Wookie by Orbitius
- all the default skins by Raven Software

Many special thanks to
Maps and models creators, LucasArts and other creators of Jedi Academy and Republic Commando.

COPYRIGHT 2005 Effendi's Bunglers
This movie is not to be modified in any way without our permission.