Battle of Hoth III Trailer

By MaceCrusherMadunusus
Date: 06-26-2005



An -{MC}-Video Production

Movie Trailer Title: Battle of Hoth III Trailer (High Quality)
Director and Author: <:MJC:>OwnerMace^F
Game used : Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy (jk3)
Website: Not available quite yet (Under Construction)

- This is the trailer for an upcoming movie called The Battle of Hoth III
The trailer is only about 50 seconds long but I think you may get it.

-This movie had no script it was only a short game we had going on and we decided to film it.

-Viewing - The Video format is Windows Media Audio/ Video (.wmv) Im sorry for all the mac users out there that cant view this. But I hope I can find something to have .mov videos for you Mac players out there.

Well here you are and enjoy!
The Movie should come out This July!

Thanks to all the people that came and played the game
Skinner=GOA=, {WoN}Rusty[L], º§øǺAraura (<:MJC:>Araura), And =GoL=Remix

Thanks to -{MC}-Video and all for coming and all you guys out there viewing my trailer!