Insane Kane : The Awakening Trailer

By Nefarious Guy
Date: 04-30-2005



File Name: Insane Kane: The Awakening Trailer

Developer: {SITH}DarthTyranus[SL]

Developer's email:

Installation Instructions: Download and double click the icon to start the movie.
Windows Media Player is required.

Running Time: 1 minute and 46 seconds.

Description: This is the trailer for �Insane Kane: The Awakening", the first installment of the "Insane Kane Trilogy".
It is a remake of a mediocre movie I made a long time ago called "Insane Kane". I have gained a huge amount of experience
since its release and thus this version will be exponentially better. "Insane Kane: The Awakening" is also
the sequel to "The Legend of Solaris" (the special edition is still in production).

Story: When a mysterious cargo shuttle crashes while docking with the stardestroyer, ISD-Victorious, rescuers pull the sole
survivor from the wreckage. An ominous last transmission and a recovered lightsaber prompt Commander Richter to question
the identity and purpose of the comatose survivor, Kane. Dismissing the concerns of his subordinate, Captain Thorin
allows Kane to remain unrestrained onboard the stardestroyer. Kane suddenly wakes up and wreaks murderous havoc on the
crew of the Victorious.

Credits: Special thanks to Zappa_0 and JOM, Drivel, Xotli, [MH]Benjy, [JR]Smithlord, and [JR]Billton.

This film is not to be modified in any way without my permission.