Sith-J-Cull's Falcon - Teaser

By Sith-J-Cull
Date: 12-01-2004





A video by Sith-J
based on a map by Sith-J
Editors used Fraps
Windows movie maker

Duration 1min 21sec

Format Windows media format
Width 640
Height 480
FPS 20/25


Bit Rate 705kbps
Ass 16bit
Ch Stereo
Sample Rate 44khz


Data Rate 568kbps
Vss 24bit

This file is a video teaser of one of my next maps.

Han Solo's Home is a working title at the moment, but the idea of the map is
to have a fully 'working' 'living' Millennium Falcon to explore, I have designed
is to fit inside the shell of the ship so the player can walk down the ramp and
out of the ship, being able to walk around it and explore the spaceport
(which I haven�t decided the location for yet).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank SSsid for his advice on the layout of
the Falcon as he has already made a version of the ship inside and out.

This is the first of three teaser videos, with the map being released in a few weeks

I didn�t want to give too much away; my version of the falcon is dark and mysterious...

The video reflects that�


(James Culley)