Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Rosh's failed revenge (1.01)

By Psycho_Marine
Date: 07-23-2013
Version: 1.01




Rosh's failed revenge
by Psycho Marine
Category: Jedi Academy, Media, Demos
Files required to play:
bso_duel.pk3 in base (Map called "Bar Stop Over" by G_I_G)
Plot: Jaden flies in his Z-95 Headhunter to a bar in
space. He hopes to find Rosh Penin, who has gone missing.
Jaden has had numerous sources tell him that Rosh is here.

However, when Jaden lands on the platform, three sandtroopers
armed with machineguns (heavy repeaters) instead of
blaster rifles, have him shanghaied.

All credit goes to G_I_G for making the level.
The reason why I wanted to use his level in this
little video is I wanted to show how even a little duel
can cause major chaos. the level name is "breakall"
for a good reason, and was perfect to display Rosh's
rage when he suddenly tries to kill Jaden.