Ultimate Siege Map (Version 1.0a)

By p!ng
Date: 11-07-2006
Version: Version 1.0a




Jedi Academy Siege Map "Ultimate Siege Map" (For Siege Gametype) Release

Title : Ultimate Siege Map
Version : Version 1.0a
Author : p!ng
E-Mail : h3hh4x@gmail.com
Website : www.clanheroic.com
File Name : siege_usm1a.zip
File Size : 15MB
Date Released : 10/31/06
New Textures : Yes
New Music : Yes
Bot support : No (Sorry)

The Ultimate Siege Map started out as a community project where any and all input from the JKA community was encouraged throughout the development process. I had a rough idea for the layout and objectives going in, but they were slowly tweaked and changed as we went along. I'm not sure if the end project truly lives up to the name, but I do believe that this is one of the first JKA Siege maps that was heavily steered by the community. I take the credits section very seriously and I don't feel as though this is "my" map at all. But, don't take my word for it; check it out!


--> This map uses custom classes but there should be no conflicts with any other maps, or EOF errors. the default Hoth classes, so there are no EOF (or other) conflicts with any other maps.


Install Troubleshooting:

If you do not see the new map listed in-game, ensure that the file "siege_usm1a.pk3" is located in your installation's "GameData\base" folder. The default path is "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base".

You will see other .pk3 files in the correct "base" folder. Simply drag and drop the file into the correct "Base" folder as noted above.


Time Limits:
* 25 Minute Initial Time Limit
* If Rebel forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Imperial team becomes Rebel and vice versa)
* Once the new teams are formed, the new Rebel team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Rebel team did.

* Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team)
* Note: A maximum of 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk.


--> Xr: Thanks for all of the support and ideas, and of course for your assistance with the map itself. I had hoped that we could use more than just your tram in the map, but I'm glad that we could at least use that. Thanks for all of your effort.

--> $5.0: Thanks for taking care of the classes and all of the play testing and overall support of the project.

--> Anubis: Thanks for the feedback, play testing and of course hosting and supporting the maps on HELL!

--> Clan Heroic: I probably would have given up on this long ago if the "hub of the Siege community" wasn't around. Thanks for everything, yoz.

--> Clan BOMB: You guys have been very supportive as well, so rock on. I hope this map makes it onto your server at some point.

--> E'erbody else who plays this - Thanks for giving it a chance. I hope you have fun.

--> Thanks to Raven for creating such an easy way to create content for the game.

--> Thanks to the players keeping it real.


p!ng out