Jedi Academy BETA Siege Map Pack (1.0b)

By j3rk
Date: 08-15-2009
Version: 1.0b




Jedi Academy BETA Siege Map Pack " 2fer BETA" (For Siege Gametype) Release

Map Title : Base Assault II
Version : Version 1.0b
Author : j3rk
E-Mail :
File Name : siege_bomb1b.pk3
File Size : 24MB
Date Released : 7/26/09
New Textures : Yes
New Music : Yes
Bot support : No

Map Title : Korriball
Version : Version 1.0b
Author : j3rk
E-Mail :
Website :
File Name : korriball1b.pk3
File Size : 7MB
Date Released : 7/26/09
New Textures : No
New Music : Yes
Bot support : No

This is a BETA preview release of an upcoming Siege map pack containing 5 maps in total. The two maps included are fully playable but may be tweaked and refined in later versions.

--> You can run both of these maps in FFA mode but since they're not FFA maps I would expect the gameplay to be horrid. <:-O
--> If you would like to play the map by yourself, just start the map as a Siege map and add a bot (i.e. "addbot chiss" in the console).
--> To avoid errors and conflicts these maps use default Siege classes. Base Assault uses the Hoth classes and Korriball uses Korriban.


Install Troubleshooting:

If you do not see the new maps listed in-game, ensure that the PK3 files are located in your installation's "GameDatabase" folder. The default path is "C:Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars Jedi Knight Jedi AcademyGameDatabase". You will see other .pk3 files in the correct "base" folder. Simply drag and drop the file into the correct "Base" folder as noted above.


Time Limits:
* Korriball: No time limit, first team to score 7 goals wins.
* Base Assault II: 20 Minute Initial Time Limit
* If Imperial forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Imperial team becomes Rebel and vice versa).
* Once the new teams are formed, the new Rebel team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Rebel team did.

Objectives for Korriball:
1) Grab the green crystal and use the jumppads to score. The first team to reach 7 wins.
NOTE: Scoring requires more skill and timing than Droidball!

Objectives for Base Assault II:
There are 5 main objectives:
1) Steal the power mod and restore power to the outside doors.
2) Reach the outer courtyard of the Estate grounds.
3) Use the codes contained in the droids to disable the Estate locks.
4) Once inside the Estate, disable the containment core shield which is busy containing the head of the legendary Pops.
5) Steal the head of Jedi Master Pops and return to the transport for escape!

* Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team)
* Note: A maximum of 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk.


Thanks for the community support.
Textures were used from one of the texture packs available here: Usage guidelines were strictly adhered to.
