Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Mercenary Battle V2

By Nozyspy
Date: 08-05-2008




JEDI KNIGHT: Jedi Academy

Mercenary Battle v2

Title: Mercenary Battle v2
Author: Nozyspy

Date Released: 10/7/08


New Textures: Yes

New Music: No

New Models: Yes

Bot Routing: Yes

Installation: Put the merc_battlev2.pk3 into your /gamedata/base/ directory.


Please note that this is a very large open map, and as such you may experience some performance issues if
you have a slower computer. I tried to make the FPS as good as possible, but if your graphics are slowing
down too much, then try lowering some of the detail settings in your JKA graphics options menu and see if
it improves things for you.


This map is set on Tatooine, in a small canyon area. This is an area where countless battles have been fought,
often between various mercenary groups vying for supremacy. The area has been used many times as a military
base and smugglers outpost, due to the defensiveness of the location. With sheer cliffs rising on all sides
the only way in is by air.

Many mercenary bands have fought over this area, hoping to make it their base of operations and the area is
littered with evidence of their battles. The most recent of which is a large rival mercenary freighter that
crashed here when it was attacked by the bases current mercenary inhabitants, hoping to capture its cargo.

However, that may not be the most precious thing in this canyon. There have been persistent rumours over
centuries that ancient secrets lie buried under the sands. Tales of strange obelisks and hidden tunnels seem
to suggest that there may be something much more valuable, and important buried in this sandy wasteland�


Finally! About 4 years after I first released the original Mercenary Battle;
(;31811) I have finally been able to make a v2 of it.

I have tried many times to make a v2 of Mercenary Battle, but each time I wasn�t very happy with the results,
and so abandoned the project. Just recently though, after a long break from mapping, I have had a huge bout
of mapping fever! I decided to give Mercenary Battle v2 another go, and finally, this time, I was happy with
the results. Thus the map has progressed quickly! Unfortunately though, the slight delay in getting this map
released was down to all the beta testing necessary. It really does take a looonggg time to properly beta
test a map and fix anything that needs fixing!

The map has been pretty thoroughly playtested and combed for any bugs though, so hopefully you wont find any
bugs, or anything that needs fixing�hopefully!

There are two Knights of the Old Republic themed secrets in this map, one of which is very large and when
discovered should provide some interesting changes to the gameplay, especially if you are playing the map
in CTF. The best part of the main secret area is something which fans of KotOR will enjoy I am sure. Even if
you�re not a fan of KotOR, I still think you will enjoy digging up the ancient secrets buried in this map. ;)

Unfortunately, unlike the last version of this map, there isn�t any secret swoop race track or spectators bar.
Sorry about that guys, but the map is already quite big, and I didn�t feel that those things suited the more
serious theme of this map this time around.


- Well, Lucasarts/Raven of course for making the game, and the base textures which i heavily modified
to use in this map.

- My beta testers; DarthWhoCares, seancsnm, MaceCrusherMadunusus, ov_nab622, hyddenmyth,
Maverick050598, Szico VII, ObiWanKenody, Kessno and SMoKE.

- Special thanks to Mace for his help on many things, especially shaders.

- The JKFiles and JKA Community for their interest and support.

- Whoever it was who made GTK Radiant! Without which, we wouldn�t be able to make maps at all.

- Paintshop Pro 9 which I used to make/modify the textures.

- John Williams who composed the music for Star Wars of course.

- The maker of the Star Wars font I use in my levelshots, whoever they are!

- And of course...George Lucas for creating Star Wars!

- Oh, and anyone else that deserves to be in the credits but who's name's I cant remember!

Well I hope you enjoy the map!

Have Fun! :D


Obligatory disclaimer / copyright thingy:

Please do not edit, re-release, or use any elements from this map without asking me first, thanks! :)