Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

BlueIce Twilight

By Szico VII
Date: 12-14-2005




BlueIce Twilight - 14th December 2005

AIM: Szico VII

BlueIce Twilight (v1.0)
New Textures: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
New Models: Yes
New Scripts: Yes
Bot Routing: Yes
Gametypes: FFA, TFFA, Duel, Power Duel, CTF (All FULLY Supported)

Brush Count: 22713
Entity Count: 3335
Build Time: Overall, about 6 months on and off for this layout and design. Counting from Day 1, about a year!!! (Damn GCSE's!)
Compile Time: 7 minutes normal, 1 hour final.

Map Installation : Unzip the contents of the zip (BlueIce Twilight.pk3) into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base directory, and you're all set to go!

Source Files: Unzip the contents of BlueIce into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base folder and add 'nomad' and 'nomad_snow' to your shaderlist.txt


-Toggleable teleports, kinda like Stargate.
-Dynamic Spawning (Spawn into areas only once you've discovered them for the first time!)
-Earthquake Scenario in Duel room.
-Public Toilets? ;)
-Force-play with the snowmen.
-Realsitic Scripted Doors.
-'Subtle Knife' teleporter.


General Helpers:
Darth G - Scripting and General Entity help - this probably wouldn't have got finished without you mate :) Your suggestions on well, everything really helped me, especially with all the work you're doing at the moment :D
BabySpinach - Lighting/shader issues + general help
GothicX - For everything you have ever helped me with :)
ShadowKnight - For helping me to script the snowmen's heads.
Wade - for youe SGEgypt map which taught me how to toggle a teleporter :D And all your help over the years!
RichDiesal - For your famous tutorials :)
wedge - General help + Firefly effects
Patrick.H - General help and comments :)
Oxyonagon - I'd jump in front of bullets for you, thanks SO much for suggesting the camera shake method!!! :)
Lassev - Moveable spawnpoint solution - ty! I might jump in front of bullets for you too ;)
Sound Effects -
Original Q3 Teleporter Model - Stecki
Original JK2 Firefly effect - Silverwest
{NJO}Duffman - The Suggestion-meister :)
IfritZero,Arthenik,Switchup,Raptor552,Shadowtrooper501 - For the beta reviews and suggestions :)
Corel - For the new crystal texture (Didn't use it, but it owns anyway lol)
Gil-Galad - For being another ideas guy, and being very patient :)
GrimReaper - Original Q3 Tree model.
Shao - For winter clothing mod. (Again, didn't include in final version but it's really nice to have offers like this :D )

(All efforts have been made to trace holders of original material, but if anyone has been omitted, I apologise.)

(<:MJC: >OwnerMace^F) - Galaxar Mace
All of the {NJO} Clan
Darth G
DJ Maffo
*Vas* Buffy
Jason (My FF7 buddy!)
Elgos Vos
Trauma Sensei
Anakin 992
Xa'o Zalei
Danny the Communist
Tk 409er
[HGR]Clan Members
<:MJC: > Clan Members

Known Bugs:
- None! w00t, that's gotta be a first for me :) - And it's all thanks to the beta testers support :)

It is night time on a vast snowy plain. The barely audible squeaks and shuffles of nocturnal creatures going about the nightly business of surviving are the only sounds breaking the heavy silence. On all sides the plain is surrounded by mountains, their icy peaks glowing hauntingly in the moons cold reflected light. The plain is flat, and immaculately white, only the rare track of an animal disturbing the perfectly smooth surface. A perfectly clear sky hangs above the scene, an untold number of stars casting their pinpricks of light onto the planet, under the watchful eye of the ice blue moon. However, despite the clear sky and near silence on the plain, the atmosphere is far from a serene one. The air is dense with apprehension. It is as if the entire planet has taken a deep inward breath, as if every mountain, creature and tree on it is waiting. And have been waiting a long time. Suddenly a blue light appears above the mountains, moving ever more quickly towards the plain. It is immediately followed by another light, orange and heading on exactly the same path. They can already be heard, two engines of slightly different pitches, both whining and straining as the ships hurtling towards the planet try to outrace each other. The nature of the race is not clear, until a bright red bolt comes flying past the first ship and into the ground, the first ship only just moving out of the way in time to avoid having one of its wings ripped away.

Inside the cockpit of the first ship is a man in a simple robe. Far from looking panicked by his pursuer, and the alarm sirens around him signalling the damage already done to the ship, he has his eyes closed and a look of absolute concentration and focus is upon his face. A bladeless hilt on his belt confirms the profession that his ability to dodge the laser bolts flying past suggests. The Jedi guides the ship close to the ground and speeds parallel to it, close enough that the movement of the air around his ship kicks up a spray of snow around it. The movements of the ship are precise and smooth as it evades each potentially lethal bolt. The mans eyes open briefly to assess the distance of the oncoming mountain range, and when he closes his eyes again there is a clear sense of urgency in his expression. he looks desperately as if he is trying to remember something, his eyelids now flickering as his eyes move rapidly behind them.

The mountain range speeds ever closer, with neither ship slowing down. No through it is available, even for the most skilful Jedi pilot. It is a wall of ice and stone waiting expectantly for its victims. The Jedi's ship adjusts direction slightly to point towards the base of the nearest mountain, and bears down, only twitching off course ocassionally to allow each laser to fly past. Just before it flies into the mountain, inside the cockpit the Jedi's face breaks into a smile, eyes still shut, and as he turns the ship sharply upwards, for a brief second his expression changes to a grimace of extreme effort and concentration. In that moment, the pursuing ship fires a single bolt before veering wildly and slamming into the mountain, vaporised instantly. The Jedi moves to dodge the bolt just a second too late, the supreme effort taken to dominate the pursuers mind clearly having an effect on his reactions. The outer half of his left wing is sheared off and falls away into the mountains.

Struggling to maintain control of the ship, the Jedi scans the mountain range for a place to land. As the ships altitude starts dropping sharply, the Jedi spots a small gap in the mountains ahead. He has no choice but to aim for it and hope it contains a suitable crash landing site, and steers the ship towards it, fighting to keep it on course. The struggling ship just manages to clear the last mountain peak before the break in the range, and as the pilot looks ahead of him his jaw drops. As he makes the final preparations for his crash landing, he finally understands the voices that drew him here. He closes his eyes as the ship hits the ground, and skids across the ice and snow into a tree. The last thing he sees from his cockpit before slipping into unconciousness is figure upon a huge landing pad, robes billowing, sillouheted by the moon.


This map was created at the request of the Nomadic Jedi Order by our friend Szico VII. It has been a long project, well over a year in fact. We are proud to have our name associated with such a great map, and to have so many of our ideas and designs brought into such breathtaking reality. On behalf of our clan, I thank not only Szico, but everyone who helped with the making of this map, and testing its many hundreds of betas. We all genuinely hope you enjoy it, and have as much fun playing on the finished article as we have had on the betas over the last year! :D

May the force be with you.


Editors Notes:

As far as I know, there's no technical bugs with this map, only aesthetic ones. I tried very hard to keep framerate at a decent level throughout the entire map, and I believe this has been achieved, even for the main outside section. Don't expect blistering framerates on outdated cards/processors mind. ;) I had great fun making this map, for the most part, and it even makes me laugh when I look at the shots of the original beta which started back in 2004. This has not only been a project for myself, but for {NJO,} whom have been immensely helpful throughout it's construction. I'd also like to offer a special thanks to by buddies over at and Without you guys I don't know where I'd be! Another thanks to all my Beta testers, and Mace for making the video!

There are quite a few hidden secrets in this map, in fact, as IfritZero pointed out to me, most of the map is hidden when you first start playing! So have a look around, there's a whole 2 giant sections to unlock aside from the main central area, plus a hidden tournament room which involves activating 3 switches in a certain order. 'X' Marks the spot(s) as they say :) Keep a lookout for the wine cellars, underground facility and trams ajoining to the road in and out of the village. Once you've reached a new area for the first time, you can uncover teleporters which will quickly let you pass between areas. You will also find that you will now spawn in these areas, due to the 'dynamic' spawning system. (Cheers for the method of this Lassev!) Keep an eye out for breakable walls, ice, unlockable doors and switches if you want to find everything :) Tauntauns will respawn after 30seconds, and I made some of the snowmen force-reactive. Once again, have fun!!!

I included source files in this map, because I basically thought, 'What the hell, why not!' However I would appreciate, seeing as I've released the source materials out of good will - (Christmas spirit goes straight to my head lol), that people respect the guidelines below:

This includes:
- Textures
- Model textures/shaders
- The Map itself

(You can however use them for learning purposes, or get my permission if you want to publish edited files I have nothing against you editing these files for your own progress, but releasing without my consent will result in certain death lol!)

If you want to use any of these, ask me first!

You can however, use freely, and without my permission:
- Original models, but not the new skins/textures.
- Shaders
- Scripts

~Szico VII~