Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

House of Chthon

By Jenova*Rebirth*
Date: 09-24-2005




Re-release #2 : Quake 1 - Boss area 1 - House of Chthon by Jenova*Rebirth*


Installation: Place the houseofchthon.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder


New Music: Yes
New Texture's: 1 (no conflicts with JA)
Bot routes: Yes
Game Type's: FFA - Duel - Power Duel

Comments: This is re-release number 2, the 3rd will be along shortly,
there are is 1 or 2 ffa releases aswell incase you fthink its
all going to be duel.

You can see the original quake version in the top left corner of the level shot when its loads the map.

This is a remake of the quake 1 level House of Chthon, This was the first boss level in the game where you
had to bring down to electrically charged poles from the cieling, one either side and then activate a button to fry the boss.

These poles do come down in this map, But of course there is nothing to fry between them so they don't do much
more than that, I just had them come down to keep the feel of the original Quake map.

This map does use JA texture's simply because quake texture's are of such low color quality(as you know since
its a very old game). The structure is the same but just texture's are from JA.

There are 2 versions of the map in this pk3, Firstly the as close to original map as possable 1 on 1 rocket arena.

Then there is the dueling version, In this version the lava has been cooled down and is now rock solid providing a perfect
area to duel on, and of coarse there are no weapons on the map.

This map was basically something for me to do while I was extremely bored, and it turned out to be very kool actually,
Obviously keeping with the original level there is little eye candy as back then it wasn't really alot of it.

So have fun, and find the extremely easy to find secret, which was the end of the level in the original level on quake.

Have fun remembering this kool but very old game. The memories of the fun you had with quake 1 are in your head somewhere.

The gladiator arena has been put on hold but will be completed. Top secret project is underway.
