Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

))=((iddens Gaming Club: Hangout 3

By HiddenSpy
Date: 06-03-2005










How to install: Unzip zip file, then put pk3 file in base folder with your other pk3 files. You install this the same way as skins ect.

Creator: ))=((iddenSpy

Comments: This is the 3rd map and best map I made for HGC. This map includes original ideas that took a long time to think of. Some members helped out with expanding the ideas or making them better. So I would like to thank people who did. You guys know who you are. I would expecially like to thank the $$ donators and beta testers of Hangout 3. I really appreciate your generosity for the server/me. Your the future of HGC because I know your that willing to help out the server. Hiddens Gaming Club has been running for more then a year now and most of that time, if not all the time, its been very active. We are not a clan and never will be. If you would like to learn why or just check us out go to , at our site theres forum, screenshots, roster, and more.

This map is for HGC members or considering ones. If your not a member this map probably won't do you much good cause this map is only played at the HGC server. In this map theres many gaming areas. Cause at HGC we don't act like clans in any way. Instead of having clan matches we invent and play games within games(pong in ja). There are 2 secrets in this map. One leads to the members area and the other to the pool. These secrets are kinda hard to find so if you need any help just contact me at my server **))=((iddensGC**. I can give you hints ect.



Date Started: 3/9/05

Date Completed: 3/24/05

Total: 16 days with beta testing
