Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Home of the Grey wolves (1.0)

By XeonAradoras
Date: 08-18-2014
Version: 1.0




These 3 maps are mainly the same the only differences are in the weather (thus textures and lighting).
The maps are supporting role play activities for JA+ commands by this I mean there is a control room (teleport coordinates: 4672 -3472 2384) which from you can make most of the models solid/unsolid (solid by default), you can start tie-attack run, or X-wing "show", there is a firework (not that good). You can play at night or in the day light (you only have to push a button..). You can make a shuttle to land outside. You can add some NPCs, with a push of a button (also adds R2D2 in the hangar). You can order a sith attack (NPCs). You can put the map into security lock down mod, you discover dark forces on the map, or go(erm swim) to the shrine (only with force speed or teleport). You can have a swoop race in the garage.

This files contains:
ogw_home.bsp - sunny weather (has FFA; DUEL; POWER DUEL; and TDM support)
ogw_home_strom.bsp - rainy weather (has FFA and CTF support)
ogw_home_winter.bsp - snowy weather, with matching textures and some christmas decoration
Some textures that I or Ronii made

Files can be used as long as credit is given.