Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

The (JAWA) Temple (1.0)

By Helena Revan and ZidZabre
Date: 09-10-2010
Version: 1.0




Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

TITLE: The (JAWA) Temple
AUTHOR: Helena Revan and ZidZabre

FILENAME: The (JAWA) Temple.pk3
DATE RELEASED: 29 August 2010

CREDITS: The basic architecture was designed by ZidZabre, whose original vision for the map I attempted to follow whenever practical. I redesigned many areas as needed, and provided most of the interior architecture, including the council member apartments. ZidZabre provided the "Final Fantasy" music, and worked with Link on the special alphabet found on several signs around the map.

Link designed the star-shaped floor of the main arena, and contributed several pictures and much advice about improving the map. He also provided the levelshot and the arenascript.

The statues in the Shrine of the Founders were made by Wawel. Several members contributed textures and helped me design custom textures (chiefly fabrics) and shaders for the map. I'd particularly like to thank Podoplovik and Rin Mintaka for that.

Shadow helped me design the speeder bikes. The plasma vehicle weapon is based on one created as part of the Open Jedi Project. I made the skins for the NPC droids and designed the droid vehicles. I'd like to thank Valis Elensar and Z for helping me learn to use Gimp and get the best results.

In order to fix a latent issue with the mirrors in member rooms, I needed to borrow the camera shader from Jedi's Home JL II, credited to Shadow Stone.

I'd also like to thank all of the other people I consulted, who acted as beta testers, and who lent me servers to test various things. In particular, Virtue, Caelum, Razor, Geek, Zantos, Drako, Se7en, Reiko, BloodRaven, and Fox, all of whom helped at various times. Thank you all very much!

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Simply place the file called "The (JAWA) Temple.pk3" in your base folder, which you'll find inside the "gamedata" or "Jedi Academy" folder, alongside Jedi Academy and Jedi Academy MP. For those who want to load this map using the console, the .bsp file is called "jawatemple".

You might want to keep this documentation in a "downloads" folder. If you need to de-install the map, just move it from base to "downloads." That way, you won't have to download it again if you want to use it later.

DESCRIPTION: This is the long-awaited (JAWA) Clan map, although anybody is welcome to use and install it on their server. It began as a speeder bike track, with other areas located within the area enclosed by the track. It now features a council building, with a council room, lounge, and waiting areas; two arenas for dueling and training; a target range; some parks for gathering in; a couple of shrines; some secret areas; and of course the private council member apartments!

This map supports FFA, TFFA, Duel, and Power Duel. Because the map is very large, some players may have poor FPS, but I have tried to compensate for that using areaportals and hint brushes. Most of the areas where NPC's can be spawned are lockable from the inside, including the track control room and all council member apartments.

BUGS: I tried to eliminate Z-fighting whenever possible, but due to the basic map architecture and the number of brush edges nearing the maximum allowed, it wasn't possible to prevent it everywhere.

There's a tree outside the council room which disappears if you look at it from a certain angle. A few other models aren't lighted as well as I'd like, but I've done about as much as I can.

After much experimentation, the droid vehicles had to be made using the VH_Animal class. This means that you can only drive them by jumping in, and not with the "use" key. This also makes getting through some of the doors a bit tricky. There's a jump pad for getting over the bar in the council building; use the "fire" key to activate it.

These vehicles also don't have an explosion effect. The VH_Walker class was unusable because it killed anything it ran into, and the VH_Speeder tended to float after driving off inclines, and traveled three times as fast through the air as on the ground.

Lastly, although the droid vehicles are supposed to require both hands to operate, you can still activate and use your lightsaber after getting in, to deadly effect. But once you de-activate it, you won't be able to turn it on again without getting out of the vehicle.

COMMENTS: The council member apartments have been assigned and re-assigned in several instances since the map was started. Instead of erasing each person's belongings as they left the council, I've simply updated each room a little bit, so that each person still has a contribution to the map.

On the upper level, clockwise from left as you enter the building: 1. Valtar, now Geek; 2. Yami, then Tao, then Cole, and now Jazzy; 3. Link (office, sitting room, bedroom); 4. Link's bedroom; 5. Zantos (upper level); 6. Z and Kirby. Lower level: 1. Pearl; 2. Wilkey, now Celkath; 3. Helena Revan; 4. Podoplovik, now Cole; 5. Zantos (lower level); 6. Zu.

The speeder bikes spawned from the track control room will self-destruct if used and then left alone for a while, but the rider has to go some distance away for this to happen, so you can get off to run an errand if you don't go too far or stay away too long. Speeders you spawn through the console won't do this.

The NPC Spawn codes for the speeders are:


The droid vehicles are:


The non-vehicle droid NPC's are:

R2-A1; R2-A3; R2-A5; R2-A6; R2-B1; R2-B3; R2-C4; R2-D1; R2-D2; R2-D3; R2-KT; R2-M5; R2-Q2; R2-Q5; R2-R9; R2-X1; R2-X2; R3-T2; R4-C7; R4-F5; R4-H5; R4-M6; R4-P17; R4-P44; R5-A2; R5-A7; R5-D2; R5-D4; R5-E4; R5-E5; R5-F7; R5-F8; R5-F9; R5-J2; R5-M2; R5-X2.

R2-A3 and R2-M5 are the same as R2-D1; R2-C4 is the same as R2-D3.
R2-D2, R2-Q5, R5-D2, and R5-D4 are simply aliases for the base NPC's r2d2, r2d2_imp, and r5d2.
R2-B3 is a name I assigned to an otherwise unnamed droid seen with R3-T2 at Mos Eisley.
R2-X1 is a name I assigned to an alternate version of R2-X2.
R5-J2 is probably what the skin for r5d2_imp would have looked like had it been made.
R5-E4, R5-E5, R5-F8, and R5-F9 are original designs.

I've tried to be as accurate as possible in these designs, but in some cases I had to improvise or follow my own judgment.

All of these droids are safe to spawn on any server where they or this map have been installed. Anybody who has them will see them, and anybody who doesn't will simply see untextured R2 or R5 units.

Anybody may use the custom textures, shaders, or NPC's from this map, provided they give proper credit to the authors and to the (JAWA) Clan.

Helena Revan