Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Jedi Council GCX - 2010 (2.0)

By Erstok
Date: 07-05-2010
Version: 2.0




Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

TITLE**: Jedi Council GCX - 2010
AUTHOR**: Erstok K'balc Ontawl

FILENAME**: jedicouncilgcx-2010.pk3
V2 DATE RELEASED**: 5 July 2010

~Power Duel
~Team FFA

CREDITS**: Full credit goes to Griffinclaw for the original creation of jedicouncilgcx. As well as jedicouncilgc.
In no way do I take credit for the original creation or even associate/association of myself with the {O}. I
have had no dealings or ideas put into the original map creation of gcx or help in the levels original construction.
All textures, music, core level design are all based off the original GCX. Again, I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR ANY ORIGINAL

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS**: Simply place this in your base Jedi Academy folder.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Level Version Documentation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
V1 DESCRIPTION/Changes from GCX**: This is nothing more then a 2010 update so to speak of Jedi Council GCX.
This is in no way a predecessor or future version. As I have no idea how Griffinclaw would have gone about with
doing more upon the level. This is at the core just like the original level with all the areas. I simply fixed
some texture bugs, updated a few spots, and changed up a few areas. Outside of that it is the same map.

-Upstairs door locks are now see able.
-Entire level has been sized down some, help with some fps issues people use to have in the entrance and some other
-Revamping to some level areas(refer to screenshots to see them)
-New sounds added to the medical area along with the outside area
-Crystal room revamped to actually have well CRYSTALS all over
-Door locks setup in the training/trial areas. All locks to the doors are behind a sealed door in the crystal room
(requires admin tele or noclip to get to it)
-Water room at the entrance is now linked up to the first hallway just like the dojo area
-Bot room can now be locked from the teacher/admin spot in the room by anyone(keep people from joining the server and
over bot spawning)
-Door lock for the council room is now in the middle pillar spot and section(yes it is a see able switch to)

V1 BUGS**: Outside of my own testing, I have seen no other real issues with the level itself on my end. As for other
players. I can't say.

V2 Updates**: List of fixes and updates to the level.
*Other game modes now supported
~power duel
~team FFA
*New bar music(With a functioning on/off switch)
~Planescape: Torment Bar Music(It can be downloaded FOR FREE online through means of google)(© Black Isle Studios/Interplay, all rights
reserved. Planescape: Torment is a trademark of Black Isle Studios/Interplay. Album Published and distributed by Interplay....)

***No documentation is found at this time on the music use pertaining to this music directly from the game. Due to the fact it is on the
internet for free download I am under the assumption it is under fair use and I am under having full right for distributing the music
for free myself for use in this personal level. I have no prior knowledge or idea as to what will happen to this music after a download
link is put up for use of the music within this level(IE: if other people will take and or use the music for there own personal use or
redistribution for other levels)****

*Secret Space council Admin room(Idea from GC map version) now in the level
*Issues with the hangar droids making noise in the main hall fixed
*Minor bug fixes to a flame not in the proper spot and an invisible wall beem in the council room
*Bot-route support for all game modes(Bots will no longer jump around randomly)
*Some changes to the outside area
*Full weapon drops

Personal COMMENTS**: Majority of the level is recreated just like the original. Most things I have put in is due to my old
clan's complaints about some things on the level like door locks for rooms we used as trialing, etc.

Original level was created by Griffinclaw of {O} years ago. I view this level as probably one of the
best clan maps in JA's history. Not because it is overly shadered or detailed upon level such as SJC. But the
fact is is probably the most downloaded and used clan map out there next to it's original variant GC. I loved the
original GCX a lot which is why I made this update. Again I do not know how Griffinclaw himself would go about
doing this so I can only go of what I think. Trying to keep as close as I can to the original as possible. I
simply recreated the entire map by updating it for 2010 so to speak. Again I take no credit in the original
workings. I just love the map and wanted to give it some bug fixes and updates. Nothing overly to crazy beyond
that. I love the map to much to do that let alone even take out all the {O} banners and custom made things from
them. Full respect to Griffinclaw and his original work and I really wish he did some more work on GCX. I felt
he could have made it even better then what it was. But anyway enough of my ramblings. Enjoy the level for
whoever plays on it!

**I did try to find and contact Griffinclaw himself before hand but I was unable to find his current email let
alone properly getting ahold of him. I mean no disrespect or insult towards Griffinclawn or {O} in this
re-creation of their own clan map, which I love.**