Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

New Worlds Map Pack (1.1)

By micahmatt
Date: 01-03-2007
Version: 1.1




Welcome to New Worlds: Episode I Version 1.1

This is a basic overview of the maps included in this pack.
"Sky Dock"
Size: HUGE
New Textures: Yes
New Music: Yes
Secret Areas: Yes

Sky Dock was the first map that I ever created, believe it or not. Sky Dock started as
a dream. I thought about the dream and thought about how cool it was and I
created this level that closely mirrors the one in my dream. Also, I just wanted to
build something that gives you a sense of vertigo. Don't look down, dude!
Well, the final product was Sky Dock, a huge fuel station on the planet,
Nestala. Sky Dock is still my favorite map. Don't be surprised if it makes your machine
run a bit sluggish while you run the map. It's HUGE.
"Spire City"
Size: Big
New Textures: No
New Music: No
Secret Areas: No

Spire City was originally going to be a map based on Kashyyk in the trees. I later decided to just
make a city built on big pipes. Not my best, but is still a good "open air" map.
"Bizzare World Indoors"
Size: Small
New Textures: Heck yeah!
New Music: 80's rock
Secret Areas: Nope

Bizzare World Indoors is a fun map. It is based on a lot of things, ranging from an episode of
Star Trek Voyager, a video game called Marble Blast Gold, all the way to an 80's rock CD called
Saltimbanco. It's pretty cool. Very colorful. When I made this map, I was feeling really random.
For that, I placed a giant lolipop in the level. You can't miss it. Bizzare World Indoors is quite
This map was made completely "grid adherent". What does this mean? Well, if someone were
to open the map in Radiant, you wouldn't be able to see it on the grid. It would look just like
a new map. Every mesh is connected perfectly to the grid. It was hard to make because it was
difficult to find reference points.
Bizzare World Outdoors is made with this same setup. The only difference is that there is snow
and you can fall to your death.
Bizzare World also celebrates the wonderful world of LEGO. The colors are really hard on the
eyes, but that's not a big deal because the level is so fun.
"Water Treatment"
Size: Small
New Textures: Yes
New Music: No
Secret Areas: Yes

Water Treatment is a rather creepy map. This one is a Water Treatment facility on Sulon, Kyle
Katarn's homeworld. Careful that you don't fall into the green sludge. It kills even if you are
using "godmode"... pretty toxic stuff if you ask me.
This map has realistic sunlight and is the first map to ever use a solid mesh for water. I did this
to add a weird, kind of creepy feel to the map. I have sequels planned for this map. It will be
released in my next New Worlds episode!
Bizzare World Outdoors
Size: Small
New Textures: yeah
New Music: yup
Secret Areas: no

Bizzare World Outdoors is the same as BWI, but is outdoors in the snow. This one is more of
a challenge to navigate because it has a large open expanse below the main grid. It's a lot of fun
and the music is ethereal. BWO is one of my most beautiful maps.

Just extract the .pk3 to your base folder.

BUGS: There are a few bugs in these maps.

In Sky Dock, there is a ship bug. The Raven's Claw is sort
of hanging off the landing pad. I have tried and tried to get the ship to adhere to the landing pad, but
it just keeps trying to fall off.

The Raven's Claw was made by NeoMarz1. I put it in the map in the first week of production, but never
took it out. I decided to leave it in because it's a Sky Dock where ships refuel. I might as well leave it.

Spire City, the place is a bit dark. I just never changed the lighting settings. It's an ok map, but nothing

In Water Treatment, sometimes the stairs disappear by the sludge access pit. You can still run on them, but
you can't see them. I don't know why it's like this.

Bizzare World Indoors: Sometimes, the bots do weird things. I installed botroutes, but they don't seem to want
to follow them on occasion. You'll sometimes get jumping bots. I'm not sure why.

Visit my website at! There you can find my incredible movies and videos. Also, check
out my new addition to the website, New Worlds, the web sponsor for this mod and future mods! Thanks!
There is a link to New Worlds on the Obelisk Films homepage.

Do not use any of these maps in a mod of your own unless you ask me. I worked hard on
these and I expect credit if you use them in a mod of yours. I am more than happy to allow
you to use them, but please ask me first.

Micah Fernandez (micahmatt): everything! (except for the Raven's Claw)
Cyan: music
Saltimbanco: music
Raven's Claw: Mars Marshall (NeoMarz1)

Future Improvements:
I will be making a New Worlds Version 1.2 with some map improvements and additions.
I may replace the Raven's Claw with something else.
I'll be making new splash screens.