Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Trixster's Hideout

By Darth Droofus
Date: 02-10-2006




Trixters Hideout and Trixters Battel Arena by : Darth Droofus

This group of maps is not my first map group but it is the first one to air

Installation: Place the Trixtermod.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder

Music:yes(regualr JA music)
Bot support: yes
custom texture's: no
edited bot/skin: Desann (now the TriXter)

Comments for Trixters Hidout: I made this map because I had nothing to do, I guess. but it is a great map. it has lots of places to fight in, and for those who like riddles and traps, you can have fun with solving them and beat the crud out of your friend at the same time! :)
look out though, sometimes making a wrong move could be fatal!!! If your smart and lucky you might be able to fight the trixter yourself. I killed him once but paid for it later. If you do kill him yourself (and his girlfriendS) you can take over this throne and see how many people can defeat you!!! There are lots of ways to die, so be carefull, or suffer the dire consequences!!!! . HAVE FUN!!! :)

Comments for Trixter Battel Arena: This map was for those who like fighting, or watching fighting more than all that riddel stuff. but do not play this map JUST to watch others fight. Half the time it's gonna be you!!!

Hope you enjoy these maps, If you got this from the websight then you might have seen a Pic of the day featuring this map. Probably the only reason you got this map pack is because of the spikes... :( ...well... :0 Thats the only reason I made that map. enjoy!!! ;)