Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Quake 3 Remake Pack

By Jenova*Rebirth*
Date: 11-26-2005




Qauke 3 Arena - Jedi Academy Arena - remakepk1 pack BY Jenova*Rebirth*

Installation :-

Place the q3_remakepk1_jr.pk3 in your game data/base fodler

Arena Gate - Quake 3 DM1 - The Yavin Effect by Jenova*Rebirth*

Info :-
New music : Yes
New textures : no
bot routes : yes


This is a re-creation of the quake 3 map q3dm1 Arena Gate.
I did my best to re-create it and it runs in ffa, duel and power duel.
Its a little out of scale with the original quake 3 map, its minutely
smaller in terms of corridor space, but the main outside and hall seem
to be rather close to the original maps size.

The Monsters mouth is a little buggy but nothing huge and noticeable.

I have placed JA weapons in the spots where the Quake 3 weapons were,
and matched JA weapons as best I could to the Quake 3 weapons.

Ja rocket launcher where the q3 launcher was.
Ja Bow caster where the q3 Shotgun was.
JA repeater where the q3 plasma rifle was.
Thats all I remember. Shields and health are in same places also.

I have lit up the outside with a sun which casts the buildings shadow
onto the floor below, added a minor ambient lighting to help undarken
it a little and add a bit of reality to the shadow, as no shadow
is pitch black.

Then placed fire stands throughout the insides where they were in q3.
Made holes in cieling as appropriate to create more lighting effect.
I also added rain to the map for a bit more effect, and also the music
that was used for the q3 map is used here to keep to the original map
a little.


Introduction Arena - Quake 3 DM0 - The Bounty Effect by Jenova*Rebirth*

Info :-
New music : Yes
New textures : no
bot routes : yes


This is the Introduction map for Qauke 3 arena that teaches you how to
play quake 3 remade for jedi academy. It plays in FFA, duel and power

This one is also a tiny bit out of scale but its just fine.

I have once again Placed weapons in the places they spawned in Quake 3
and tried to link the guns from quake 3 to any JA gun I thought was
close to each.

This is set at midnight in a bounty theme, A moon shines a nice deep
blue light upon the arena and allows the buildings to create a nice
shadow. Lights are scattered throughout the inside area's to help
light it up.
