Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 3

By Sith-J-Cull
Date: 11-02-2005




Episode III mappack part III


Hey peeps,

This, the final of my episode III mappacks, I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have making them.

This pack includes:

The Galactic Senate

The Battle of Kashyyyk

And a special sneak peak at the Vader�s Immortalization chamber featured at the end of episode III.
The Senate:

I had to make a big decision in this map; I mean the shire size of the senate from the movies is pretty
Impossible to recreate in radiant, I had to make a SERIOUSE cut back on the amount of pads I added, however
I did include over 160 pods in the map some of which are interactive; it also features the blade doors and central
elevator as seen in the movie.

Don�t forget to hold the usetime button found on the main floor of the map - it will alter the map so that it
appears destroyed just like after Yoda and Sidy fight.


The detail in this map was kept to a minimum; however some with lower spec pc's will indeed have problems with
fps. due to the size and nature of the map so sorry about that. I included some of the best vehicle models in one of the zip files,
these are the ones I included in the map, I had intended to use all new kashyyyk vehicles but I don�t think they were
completed in time one way or the other.

Vader�s immortalization chamber:

This is a special bonus map only two rooms as it is a sneak peak of the full map which will include the landing pad etc.

The next release in the mappack series, as I have stated before will not include any new episode III maps, but it will feature all of
the previous maps but in the completed form. In a way all of the maps in the mappacks have been Betas, for the complete release that I plan
to get to you around Christmas.


Put the .pk3's into your /gamedata/base/ directory.


Vehicles: Credits to Hatrus for the Droid Starfighter, LightNinja for the AT PT, Monsoontide and Duncan_10158 for the Stap and Hailfire Droid and
Marz for the Republic Gunship.

I would like to make a special thanks to a good mate of mine, and a regular on my forums "Shadow Knight" for providing me with the script for
the raising and lowereing of the medical bed in the chamber, without him It would be well flat forever! mwhahaha!

Thanks guys for the use of your vehicles/scripts!

James (Sith-J-Cull)