Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

gdup_mappack (1.0)

By Jim Dawson
Date: 07-18-2013
Version: 1.0




This is a map pack containing five maps.

Just extract the zip file to:
...Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars Jedi Knight Jedi AcademyGameDatabase

This goes on whatever drive you may have installed to. Everything before the Lucasarts folder may vary depending on what operating system you're using and the drive letter for where you installed to.

All of these maps are designed for singleplayer npc slaughtering. I think some of them may work for multiplayer, but there might not be enough spawn points. Lavatemple is my favourite; it's a duel of the fates style map with catwalks and different floors.

These maps were created over some time spanning 2007 and 2009. I have made other maps for Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force before this but nothing as complete as lavatemple.

I would have liked to do more to lavatemple, but I lost the file for gtkradiant and all I have access to is the bsp files in the PK3s here.

Do anything you want to these files as long as I get credit for the original product; if someone cares enough to reverse-engineer these somehow and add/modify these maps you may distribute it freely.

Jim Dawson