By Arbok8C
Date: 12-10-2011
Version: 1.0
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
TITLE: Dark Forces 2 CTF Map Pack
FILENAME: DF2_CTF_pack.pk3
DATE RELEASED: 19th of November 2011
BUILDTIME: Approximately 1-3 years (long breaks between, started working at some point in 2009 if I remember right)
The Duel = 1377;
The Arena of Dark and Light = 1735;
Game types supported : FFA, TFFA, CTF.
New Textures : Yes.
Bot support : Yes.
Secret areas: Yes.
Main thanks go to the original developers of the DF2 maps and textures and LucasArts.
Thanks to David Aspmo's Texture Re-Creation tutorial I found on the Dark Forces (1) Mod website.
Ravensoft and LucasArts for making JKA and the creators of GTKRadiant, and extra for who made the base JKA textures.
Richdiesal, Map-Craft, the many other websites with mapping tutorials.
Helena Revan and Donald/Ronny for helping me when I had questions about mapping.
T551's Brush Scripting Tutorial, I had to learn ICARUS scripting for the elevators in Arena of Dark and Light.
Immeror's holopanel tutorial.
Creators of Photoshop and Gimp plus the many sources from which I learned how to make stuff with them.
George Lucas for making Star Wars.
And everyone else who I probably forgot to mention...
My clanmates who helped me BETA test these maps:
-Cole for hosting a game for us to check these maps out on whenever I added something new.
-And anyone else I probably forgot to mention...
Extract the DF2_CTF_pack.pk3 from the and put it in your BASE folder where Jedi Academy is installed.
The default location is: C:Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars Jedi Knight Jedi AcademyGameDatabase.
This mod contains two maps that originally come from LucasArt's "Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight" game from 1997.
I was checking out the multiplayer maps (haven't played any MP in DF2 though) and I was pretty new to mapping, and I decided to try to remake these maps for the newer Jedi Academy for fun.
The maps in this pk3:
1) The Duel
2) The Arena of Dark and Light
The console commands are:
/devmap df2_theduel
/devmap df2_aodl
-DF2 had two teams: Red and Gold. Everything that was gold/yellow in DF2 is now Blue in JKA, and the blue neutral areas are now white and cyan-ish.
-DF2 had in-game score boards throughout the maps, I had no idea how to do this in JKA so I made the apaprently levitating score boards in The Duel have text scrolling instead and left the other boards out.
-DF2 didn't have Metallic Bolts ammo so I had to replace a few Power Cells pickups with Metallic Bolts.
-In The Duel I had to add an extension to the "roof" in the central area to keep special rooms out of sight.
-The elevator entrance edges in Arena of Dark and Light in the neutral area now have cyan neons instead of dark metal where the tunnel starts.
-The tunnel at the top of the neutral area in Arena of Dark and Light has Rebel (Blue) and Imperial (Red) graffiti on the corresponding sides.
-The pipes in some of the walls in The Duel were simple textures, now in JKA they are made using end caps (semicylinders).
-The empty spaces between the buildings at the edges of the map in Arena of Dark and Light have been clipped.
-During testing with Cole on his Clanmod home server, we somehow managed to displace the floating Force Enlightenment pickups with Force Push/Pull. However nobody else reported such issues, nor have I encoutnered this during matches with bots.
-There was also a problem with no lighting in a room with destroyable lights on the ceiling, however this problem seems to have been fixed after a final compilation.
Beta testers reported the maps were OK.
Pretty please talk to me before using these maps for a bigger or a different mod.
I made these mods in my own free time for fun and modding experience, I've had no monetary gain from them.
Almost every texture seen in the maps was remade by me in Photoshop. I was aware of a DF2 Singleplayer Mod for JKA which had lots of remade textures on their website,
however I couldn't use them without permission and the last news was a year or two ago, by the time I had to start making textures that page of the site wasn't working so I had little choice but to start making textures myself from sight. I'd look at them, see where the seems go and start drawing in Photoshop. I used Aspmo's tutorial for every texture, basically use base JKA textures to make shapes and add Bevel and Emboss to those shapes. I also edited some of the base JKA textures for color/brightness differences.
The Arena of Dark and Light is also the first map I ever used hint brushes to improve the FPS, I hope I did it right.
I copied over the small symmetry/layout exception(s) I knew of from the originals so if you happen to find it (has 3 pick-ups on it), I am already aware of it.
There was a 3rd CTF map in DF2 but it was incredibly huge so I decided to leave it out.
I also did my best to copy over things like the destroyable lights in The Arena of Dark and Light which darken the room when destroyed.
Finally, these maps were fun (and a pain) to make and I learned lots of different things about mapping, I hope to make more mods in the future. :D
ALSO: These maps are the first I have ever finished and uploaded on the Internet.
I have mapped before but these maps are the first I ever finished (and were meant for playing JKA, not movie making).
PS: If you've played DF2's multiplayer before and you find errors in these maps, such as missing hidden areas from the originals, please inform me.
Or for suggestions, use the contact info at the top of this document.