Playing Jedi Academy in 2025


By AndacondA
Date: 03-09-2008




Jedi Knight Jedi Academy JK3
Name: Andaconda

Size: 940 KB (1.09 MB)
Instalation Instructions: Unzip the .PK3 file and put it in the base folder

contrustion time: 2 days (All day, Day 1 9:30 AM to 12:00 AM Day 2 11:00 AM 2:00 PM)

Credits: I would like to give credit to ravensoft who supplied the jk textures and Saphire Who helped
Fix the error: Map has no nodes!

Date release: Sunday, March 09 2008

Description: This is a Small FFA and Duel map it has a small outside area and a big arena it has all
the guns for FFA combat.

Bugs: There are no known bugs (as far as i can see)
if you see any bugs in my map please email me.

