Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

House of Tricks (v2)

By DeathWish
Date: 01-08-2007
Version: v2




Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
TITLE: House of Tricks v2
AUTHOR: DeathWish

I'm still a n00b at this stuff but I tried hard and I would like feedback! Send any feedback or comments to! Thanks a ton people!
Still no continuous theme but it is close (except the secrets which still have no relation to rest of the map). I added working cameras (a little buggy but they work). I changed some of the wall textures and added things to kill the people in the cells. I tried to make the map as interactive as possible. Lava is overused but there wasnt acid or anything (that I could find). Have fun!!
its simple!
just extract the .pk3 to your base folder
example: c:\program files\lucasarts\Jedi Academy\GameData\Base <----- GOES HERE !!
cant make it any easier to understand
I'm also wanting to make a map/mod team and if anyone would like to help out email me. Experience or at least some understanding of the stuff would be nice.
Credits: Thanks to {SotFK}JInit.Drexon and {MeB}GBHntr.Fly!ingPhoenix for some ideas! Also thanks to {SotFK}DLrnr.Demotrix for taking screenshots with me! And most of all thanks to Caleb Creed for helping me to learn to map !! :D

Well good luck and thanks a lot for at least giving my map a shot,