Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

The Quad 1.0

By Unifermius Matty
Date: 09-26-2006




The Quad


Unifermius Matty [SCA LDR]

How to contact Me:

Either e-mail at

or visit my forums,


Extract the PK3 file into your jka/gamedata/base directory



* JK3 / Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy



* JK3 Patch 1.01


Mod category:

Maps > Free for all


Overview (disambiguation from manual)

Like it or not, this is my first official map release, and it is my first proper map.
All of my earlier maps i made back in january 06 were prefabs for testing things.

Let me just state first before i go into what is in the map, that this project
took me Nine whole, long months of dedication and often annoyance to get it done.
And boy, i hope you enjoy it for that fact.

The Quad is a four level complex designed for the enthusiastic JK3 player looking for
something different in terms of the layout and gameplay.
The Quad may share some similar ideas to old classics such as Sithcouncil and Jedi's home,
but from my perspective, this is a map designed for friends to just get along in an
environment that is not jedi/sith based.

Here are some of the features of the Quad.


Design History/Timeline - Simplified for your friendly viewing.

January: First custom textures made, basic design already underway with third floor
section B as the starting point, working down to the hanger.

Febuary/March/April: Second and first floors at stage 1 of initial design. Restuarant (first stage),
med lab, restroom,icebar, Dojo (first concept) and security office (second concept)
already finished development, with the third floor section A and bedrooms well underway

May/June/July: All floors had been finished, and i was now beginning on a four month touch-up
on almost everything i was unahppy with: such as the VIP parking, the arena, the dojo,
the second floor duel room, the hanger, the restuarant, the bedrooms,
various map ambience, textures, scripting, and of course the development of hidden
areas such as the funky hangout room and the beach, that would not start until june.

August/September: The final textures had been laid, and being four months overdue because
of various schoolwork and other things, i was happy to finalise just about everything.


Problems i had personally with making 1.0

May i first just state that not only could this be considered a 'trial release'
but i am also considering making a 1.1 for anyone that has reasonable suggestions
of improvement that are within my capabilities.

So, let me state the problems.

1) The guns. my version Radiant 1.4 simply refused to place them in the map
during a compile, because they certainly did not show up in devmap. Or am i just stupid?
Anyway, those guns didnt have any descriptions in the entity window either, a bit weird.

2) The ambience. Personally, i feel that the nine months i spent making this paid off,
as many of the people who have revisited [SCA] forums to preview this map gave positive
response almost always. I hope to hear similar responses, and perhaps feedback from the
jk3filefront community.

3) The design. Sure, a four-floor multicomplex isnt exactly what some people may
call an FFA map, but then again, it could be considered a multi-format FFA Map.
Or multi themed, but generally, i suppose that really isnt a problem.

4) Botroutes.
Yes, i spent about two weeks going through tutorials, feedback from a
topic I made at the filefront forums, shortcuts, scripts, binds.
You Name it.
I still, could not, get my version of Jedi Academy to create or edit a
botroute file for The Quad.
So, reviewers,
if i do fix the problem, if ever, i will include botroutes in 1.1
Mind you, this map wasnt exactly designed for bots,
nor do i think bots would look good on it anyway.

Possible Bugs, and some warnings.

* The healing tanks. Yes, from what i gathered from my beta test on lugormod,
the healing tanks in the med lab LAG THE SERVER Whenever a player spends an extended
amount of time within them. This may just be a bug with using the map with lugormod,
but hey, its good for you to know anyway.

* The elevators and doors. Well be warned, you can easily get crushed by the elevators
if your timing isnt right - i wouldnt reccomend jumping down or up the shafts.
As for the doors, well, there are some doors from the second floor upwards that
will not open automatically. Instead, you will have to open them by approaching them
and pressing the use key. The reason for this is because some of the pathways are too
close to the doors, and it does get annoying hearing them open each time you go buy.

* Guns. Yes, i did say there were no guns in this map, but i did place a flechette weapon
entity in the armory on the third floor - so if that shows up for anyone, let me know,
because it never showed up for me.

* Hidden areas. Yes, its likely with some building mods that the teleporters/unlocking
functions may not work with some building mods. However, i experienced no such
problems using this map on lugormod.
* Hidden areas 2. Warning: You may gawk at the idea of unlocking an area,
but hey, thats just the way i wanted to design this map.
Besides, your curiousity about unlocking the hidden areas should make
you play the map for longer - after all, there are hundreds of possible
activators....although one is pretty straightfoward, if you look at the right ad.

* Reflecting walls, and video texture. Well, if you dont like the lag in the main floor,
turn off the video texture by pressing the panel in the middle of the room.
If you have problems with people abusing that panel, just go to the control room
and enable the forcefield around the panel. As for the mirrors, well, it is not
necessarily my problem if you recieve lag from these, but if you do, i may consider
making a texture extension in the 1.1 version that will get rid of the mirrors
for people who experience lag. Also, the ice texture on the floor of the icebar
may cause some lag for players, though i havent known it to.

* Noclip. Dont use noclip in my map, otherwise you're a cheat. Enough said.


Notice to other modders.

Please do not extract, edit or borrow my Content from this mod without my permission,
or please do not extract the material therin which i have burrowed.


Credits (Disambiguation)

Simply put, there are alot of people i have to thank, in these particular categories:

* First rate contributers (beta testers, people i have burrowed textures from)
* Second rate contributers (everyone who gave constructive critisism and ideas)
* Third rate contributers (anyone who gave positive feedback of any kind)

I suppose the first rate contributers are most important, so i will list them here.

Szico IV - Thankyou for allowing me to burrow your reflective mirror texture,
and thankyou for your advice on compiling, that proved handy.
Kahn - Thankyou for allowing me to burrow some textures from Sithcouncil II.

Ninja [SCA] - Thankyou for allowing me to burrow your home server for the day
and test out the map, your feedback and testing critique was most helpful

Boba Fett [SCA] - Thankyou for spending your time testing my map and giving feedback
- I'd also like to thankyou for the Jimi Hendrix music
you provided me with for use in this map

Walla [SCA][HC] - Thankyou for spending your time testing my map and giving feedback

Darth G & Rich Diesal - This is a thanks with a high-five for those great tuts.

So, for those of you that arent reviewing this file, skip the next three paragraphs,
as they are an 'ambiguation' - in other words, very long and boring.


Credits (in full)

I would like to thank (although i already have) all of the first rate contributers,
and everyone that was involved and/or showed interest in the development of this map.

There were also a few textures that i burrowed off of websites.
These websites, which i shall list, are open to the public and hence the pictures
displayed within are free for public use/sharing.
- I used this for alot of my textures, most noticably album art,
movie locations, some movie artwork and various images of characters appearing in films.
Might i also add that i burrowed one or two pictures from a Wikipedia mini-site,
Memory Alpha (the star trek wiki) and the Star wars Wiki, wookiepedia.
- This is where i got some of my marble textures. That was all i used this site for.
- I did use some KOTOR wallpapers, and various other wallpapers as textures in my map.

All other textures are either ones I have made myself from scratch,
Or a customization of textures found in both jedi outcast and jedi academy.
Some are a bit of both.

As i also said above in the disambiguation, i burrowed textures from Kahn's Sithcouncil II
and shader's from Szico IV's Blueice Twilight.
Both of whom i acquired the permission to use their materials before use in my map
and before the release of this map.

There were also two music files i used in this map.

One, in the icebar, was a song called 'Come as you are' By Nirvana,
a song that came on the 'nevermind' album which i bought,
And two, 'Purple Haze' By Jimi Hendrix (and/or the Jimi Hendrix Experience)
a song that my friend boba fett gave me some months ago as a sample of his music.
More details about that in the Disclaimers.

I beleive i'm done with the credits.


Disclaimers and/or Legal Stuff:

The use of the song "Come as you are" By Nirvana in the Quad,
is not an act supported by the current holders of the rights to their music,
nor the distributors of their cds.

The use of the song "Purple Haze" By Jimi Hendrix in The Quad,
is not an act supported by the current holders of the rights to his music,
Nor the distributors of their cds.

I am not responsible for anything this file may do to your computer,
as i have scanned this file for faults and viruses before sending/uploading
it to the internet, and i have found not problems with it.
