Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Winter's Gift

By Jenova and *Vas* Buffy
Date: 12-19-2005




Jedi Knight III: Jedi academy

Winters Gift
Authors: *VaS*Buffy and Jenova*Rebirth*(*VaS*Jenova)
Contacts: and
Websites: and
Server IP:
Type : Free For All
Custom Textures : Yes
Custom Models : Yes
New music : Yes
Bot Support : Yes
Build Time : About 2 months on and off


A special Christmas and New Year's map for the Winter season for you and your friends too enjoy.


- Village
- Snowball Arena
- Hockey Field
- Ski Lifts
- Tauntaun Stable
- Market
- Maze
- Carnival
- Mansion
- Playground
- 2 Songs to pick from
- Caroler Stage
- The North Pole
- And much much more for you too explore...


You can download a Snowball mod to turn your Thermals into Snowballs to make the Snowball fights more Realistic.


Well Secrets wouldn't be secrets if we would tell you where they are now would they? However there is one secret we can help you on your way with
as there are secret presents hidden all around the map in the colours: Red, Green, Yellow and Orange.
We have added a special Check list to the Zip file to help you find them, Please read it as there is some helpful information in there.

Good Luck!

Programs used:

Adobe Photoshop, Winrar, Wordpad, Gtk Radiant, Easygen


* Copyright / Permissions *


This map and it's contents may not be modified without *VaS*Buffy or Jenova*Rebirth*'s written agreement.
This map and it's contents may not be used for porn or nudity purposes.
If this mod is used in any file like maps,movies,skins or others mods, Please inform *VaS*Buffy or Jenova*Rebirth*.
If this mod is used We wish too receive credit for our hard work.


Extract the in your star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Gamedata/Base folder.


- Remove wintersgift_bf_jr.pk3 from your base folder


Special Thanks:

- Onobi Foondu
- Grimreaper
- Hapslash
- Worsonn
- Darth G
- Szico VII
- Lemog
- All *VaS*Members and Friends
- All who we forgot to mention



We hope you will enjoy Winters Gift and we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Buffy and Jenova...

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