Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Final Fantasy X - Sea of Sorrow (Beta)

By Jenova*Rebirth*
Date: 11-12-2005
Version: Beta




Final Fantasy X - Inside Sin - Sea Of Sorrow Beta by Jenova*Rebirth*

Installation :-

Place the sinbeta_jr.pk3 in your game data/base fodler

Info :-
New music : Yes
New textures : yes
new shaders : yes
bot support : yes


This is a beta version of one of my W.I.P Final Fantasy Maps.
It is the first area when you land inside sin, So as you can
imagine its nothing spectacular for detail, although I have
mapped the watery walkways down to every last jag, Except
for a stretch at the stairs as it was causing vis problems.

I have been working on the rest of inside sin, But this is
the place I wanted opinions on as I have got it is a close to
the FFX version as I possably could, deep purple sky, very foggy,
Clouds floating everywhere, Glowing symbolic rings spinning around
the water, Symbols spinning on the floor.

I have even made a save point and the treasure chests. Chest are
the only place you will find weapons, ammo, shields and health so
memorise there locations on the laoding screen map. The red dots
represent Spawn points, and you will always spawn facing the
direction of the stairs.

Due to this being Beta the stairs will not teleport you to the
city of dying dreams as I have not included it, Its still under
construction so for now they simply teleport you right back to
where you first emerge inside sin in FFX.

The Music included is the FFX versions real music, so that it helps
to bring the feeling for inside sin a little more.

If you are not a Final Fantasy fan this map won't really look
like much of anything for now as its only a small portion fo the
full map to come, its also only a portion of 1 of the Final Fantasy
maps I have i progress, Including the reworking of my very old
FF7 - temple fo the ancients and FF8 - Tomb of the unknown king maps
I did when I first started mapping.

I would like to hear your comments and suggestions to make
it feel better.

