Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Korriban Citadel

By Insidious
Date: 01-24-2005





Title : Korriban Citadel (version 2)
Author : Insidious
E-Mail :

File Name : ffa_kor_citadel.pk3
File Size : 16439 KB
Date Released : 10/10/2004

Game Type : FFA
New Textures : Yes
New Models : Yes
New Shaders : Yes
New Music : Yes
Bot Support : Yes
Known Bugs : None - if you come across any problems in this map please e-mail me


Installation Instructions

Place the ffa_kor_citadel.pk3 file into the GameData/Base/ directory under your Jedi Academy game directory.
The map will then be available from the FFA map selection menu the next time you run Jedi Academy.


Delete the ffa_kor_citadel.pk3 from your Jedi Academy GameData/Base/ directory.


General Comments

This is my first ever map and it started out as a project to see if I could teach myself the art of map making.
I wanted to create the look and feel of the original SP Korriban levels, especially the final duel area where you fight Tavion/Ragnos. I e-mailed Raven to get their permission and Kenn Hoekstra replied very promptly and said "I don't see any problem with reproducing areas from the single player game for use in multiplayer. I don't believe that causes any copyright problems. Feel free to give it a shot."

The map is designed to be used for FFA matches as it contains large duelling areas. There are 3 secret areas - I'll not tell you where they are but there are clues nearby - look for something out of place. Remember that walls can be breakable and some things can be used as well. The secret areas differ in size - they are small, medium and large - and are there to add some fun to the map.


Revision History

I have fixed some minor errors in the map since Version 1. I haven't changed the basic design of the areas in the map but I have updated most of the areas in the map, adding new structures etc. I have also added a new secret area which is pretty big and there's a few things in there for you to explore and have fun with.



Thanks to my friends at both the KoH clan and the NJO clan for inspiring me to make this map.
Visit them at and

Thanks to those people that have helped me beta test the map and have helped me to improve it.

Many thanks to Raven for the original game and for allowing me to recreate the feel of the SP levels

Credit must also go to the people whose models I have used in the map, namely

Punishment and cling-ons: Daniel "smeg" Vogt
Celtic Cross and Crucified Guy: Oak
kftelepod: karloff

(If you haven't seen any of these models in the map, then you haven't found any of the secret areas !!!)

There are a few other models in the map that I don't know the name of the authors - apologies and thanks to them.

I have also used Melv "Stukatto" Miller's fountain prefab for SoF2 as the basis for the fountain in the map.



Software used: GtkRadiant 1.4.0, PakScape, Photoshop 7.0
Build time: 6-8 weeks. (I only worked on it a couple of hours each day though.)
Compile time: 3446 seconds using (final) BSP -meta -vis -light -fast -filter - super 2


* Copyright / Permissions *

You may freely distribute this map, providing that all original files are intact.

NOTHING in this map may be used or altered without prior permission from the author.

* I admit that *
(as required by the LEC Licence Agreement about Addon Levels)

1. My Level works only with the retail version of the
Software, and does not work with any demo or OEM versions
of the Software.
2. My Level does not modify any COM, EXE, DLL or other executable files.
3. My Level does not contain any illegal, scandalous,
illicit, defamatory, libelous, or objectionable material
(as may be determined by LEC in its sole discretion), or
any material that infringes any trademarks, copyrights,
protected works, publicity, proprietary, or other rights
of any third party or of LEC.
4. My Level does not include any LEC sound effects or music files or
portions thereof.
5. My Level identifies in every description file, on-
line description, read-me, and in comments in the New
Level code: (a) the name, address, and e-mail address of
the level's creators, and (b) the following disclaimer:
6. My Level may not be sold, bartered, or distributed with
any other product for which any charge is made (other than
incidental charges for time spent on-line), but rather
must be distributed free of charge.
7. By distributing or permitting the distribution of any New
Levels, all creators or owners of any trademark,
copyright, or other right, title or interest therein grant
to LEC an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, sub-
licensable right to distribute the New Level by any means
(whether now known or hereafter invented), and to create
and distribute by any means (whether now known or here-
after invented) derivative works thereof, and to charge
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work, with no obligation to account to any creators or
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